What’s your favorite nuts? -⠀ Almonds. A number of small studies have found that…

What’s your favorite nuts? -⠀
Almonds. A number of small studies have found that…

[ad_1] What’s your favorite nuts? -⠀ ?Almonds. A number of small studies have found that eating an almond-rich diet can reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and oxidized LDL cholesterol, which is particularly harmful to heart health⠀ -⠀ ?Pistachios. Pistachio nuts appear to have beneficial effects on heart disease risk factors when eaten in high … Read more

Do you agree that we have 3 brains? We all know that the way we eat affects our …

Do you agree that we have 3 brains? We all know that the way we eat affects our …

[ad_1] Do you agree that we have 3 brains? We all know that the way we eat affects our mood. But how about our hearts? What if it was all connected? Share your thoughts with us. Follow @samsara_herbs for more health tips and life hacks that can help you improve your life for the better. … Read more

Reposted from – A great example of the colon on the Standard American Diet. S…

Reposted from  –
A great example of the colon on the Standard American Diet.  S…

[ad_1] Reposted from @properwaters_sc – A great example of the colon on the Standard American Diet. Something is not working people! Do your research! A plant-based diet creates a happy, healthy colon.???????????????? #coloncleanse #colon #stomach #nodisease #diabetes #detox #health #nutrition #research #knowledge #learn #truth #awaken #alkalinefoods #plantbased #greens #carbs #fruit #veggies #stomach #digestion #nontoxic #healthy … Read more

The incredible complexity of the gut and its importance to our overall health is…

The incredible complexity of the gut and its importance to our overall health is…

[ad_1] The incredible complexity of the gut and its importance to our overall health is a topic of increasing research. Many facets of modern life such as high stress levels, too little sleep, eating processed and high-sugar foods, and taking antibiotics can all damage our gut microbiome. This in turn can affect other aspects of … Read more

The connection between diet and emotions stems from the close relationship betwe…

The connection between diet and emotions stems from the close relationship betwe…

[ad_1] The connection between diet and emotions stems from the close relationship between your brain and your gastrointestinal tract, often called the “second brain.” . It may take days or weeks before you start to feel the mood-boosting effects of a better diet, depending on how many changes you implement. But over time, healthy eating, … Read more

My question has always been, “why do we not grow these fruits here in the U.S.? …

My question has always been, “why do we not grow these fruits here in the U.S.? …

[ad_1] My question has always been, “why do we not grow these fruits here in the U.S.? This fruit tastes amazing. I remember as a little kid growing up in Mexico when we would eat this fruit like if it was an apple. So common in Mexico, but not here in the U.S. I have … Read more