The “Mushroom of Immortality” has been used medicinally in Asia for 2000+ yea…

The “Mushroom of
Immortality” has been used
medicinally in Asia for
2000+ yea…

[ad_1] The “Mushroom of Immortality” has been used medicinally in Asia for 2000+ years. Reishi mushroom extract contains numerous ingredients linked to superior antioxidant performance, longevity benefits and optimal health. The extract is a concentrated form that is thought to help reduce stress, sharpen focus and strengthen immune response. . Follow @samsara_herbs for more health … Read more

Did you know The Snake Plant by . TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone that loves their …

Did you know The Snake Plant by
TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone that loves their …

[ad_1] Did you know⁉️ The Snake Plant by @wishinguwell_1111 . TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone that loves their plants . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . ✅of all the different oxygen producing plants, this one is unique since it converts a lot of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to O2 (oxygen) at night, making it ideal to have several in … Read more

Alkaline swaps for better health or just for peace of mind by . TAG-SAVE-SHARE …

Alkaline swaps for better health or just for peace of mind by

[ad_1] Alkaline swaps for better health or just for peace of mind by @alex_abundance . TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . #alexabundance #drsebi #vegan #alkaline #herbs #plantbased #organic #seamoss #drsebiapproved #nature #electricfood #alkalinefood #alkalinediet #alkalinevegan #detox #healthy #health #naturalremedy #herbalmedicine #meditation #veganrecipes #vegetarian #drsebirecipes #alkalineliving #veganfood #healthyfood #healing #positivevibes #healthiswealth #energy [ad_2] … Read more

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach tha…

One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach tha…

[ad_1] One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach that says that human health and animal health are interdependent and bound to the health of the ecosystems in which they exist. We are all part of nature, be conscious ???‍♀ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … Read more

Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats, olive oil is a healthier option than other…

Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats, olive oil is a healthier option than other…

[ad_1] Rich in Healthy Monounsaturated Fats, olive oil is a healthier option than other oils.  It contains antioxidants.  It has strong anti-inflammatory properties. It may prevent strokes and is not associated with weight gain or obesity. Olive oil may also may reduce type 2 diabetes risk. Do you think that now you have reasons to … Read more

Being healthy is a lifestyle, it needs to be followed continuously to become you…

Being healthy is a lifestyle, it needs to be followed continuously to become you…

[ad_1] Being healthy is a lifestyle, it needs to be followed continuously to become your way of thinking. Maintaining this way of living is more natural than it seems. Come on, you can do it too! ?‍♀?? #water #meditation #nature #rest #stretching #exercise #care  #health #wellness #healthy #tip #goals#healthylifestyle  #nutrition #healthyfood #life #healthyliving #food #healthcare … Read more

Black Seed dates back 3,300 years…The earliest record of its cultivation and u…

Black Seed dates back 3,300 years…The earliest record of its cultivation and u…

[ad_1] Black Seed dates back 3,300 years… The earliest record of its cultivation and use come from ancient Egypt. Black seed in fact, was found in Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago. In Arabic cultures, black seed is known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed … Read more

The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functio…

The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functio…

[ad_1] The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functions. This organ is responsible, among other things, for detoxification, regulation of metabolism, blood purification, synthesis of plasma proteins as well as absorption and storage of vitamins. Many factors and habits can affect liver health and therefore also general health. … Read more

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

[ad_1] What is an herb? An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.” A “plant or plant part” means that an herb can be a single-celled algae, the bark of a tree, the leaf, root, fruit, seed, flower, or any other part of any plant, as long … Read more

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

[ad_1] MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba) Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the 27 medicinal plant used for fertility herb by @herbsandtibb Maca In synergy with 26 other potent fertility herbs you can definitely get ready for the baby bump pictures. Maca counterbalance estrogen dominance and general hormone imbalance, … Read more