LOW SPERM COUNT a few Sperm made it!When you consider that about 50 million s…

a few Sperm made it!When you consider that about 50 million s…

[ad_1] LOW SPERM COUNT a few Sperm made it! When you consider that about 50 million sperm cells will be trying to make their way to the cervix, but only one million will make it that far, and out of that one million only 200 will make it to the fallopian tubes, only to bounce … Read more

Arthritis. . . . An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and s…

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An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and s…

[ad_1] Arthritis. . . . An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and stiffness that can worsen with age. Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and Osteoarthritis are the common forms of arthritis. Arthritis is more common in women than it is in men and in Nigeria over 1.5 million cases are reported annually, rheumatoid … Read more

HERPES . . . Herpes simplex type 1 which is transmitted through oral secretions …

Herpes simplex type 1 which is transmitted through oral secretions …

[ad_1] HERPES . . . Herpes simplex type 1 which is transmitted through oral secretions or sores on the skin, can be spread through kissing or sharing objects. In general, a person can only get herpes type 2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. It is important to know that both HSV-1 … Read more

Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) which primarily af…

Gonorrhea  is a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) which primarily af…

[ad_1] Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is a sexually-transmitted disease (STD) which primarily affects the reproductive tract in men and women, but can also affect the anus (gonococcal rectal) and mouth (gonococcal pharyngitis). A person can have gonorrhea and not produce symptoms. The most common symptoms are painful urination, genital secretions, and inflammation. Symptoms may appear within two … Read more

Alkalize your body.When the body is overly acidic, the body takes minerals fro…

Alkalize your body.When the body is overly acidic, the body takes minerals fro…

[ad_1] Alkalize your body. When the body is overly acidic, the body takes minerals from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. Because of this, the body’s mineral reserves such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium can run dangerously low and cause damage that can go undetected for … Read more

Chlamydia is known as a “silent” disease because most people who are infected ha…

Chlamydia is known as a “silent” disease because most people who are infected ha…

[ad_1] Chlamydia is known as a “silent” disease because most people who are infected have no symptoms.  In people who develop symptoms, it may take several weeks after exposure for symptoms to appear. Symptoms is same as other STI’s : Discharge from the vagina Burning or pain when urinating Urinating more often Bleeding between periods … Read more

ULCER . .A sore that develops on the lining of the oesophagus, stomach or smal…

.A sore that develops on the lining of the oesophagus, stomach or smal…

[ad_1] ULCER . . A sore that develops on the lining of the oesophagus, stomach or small intestine. Ulcers occur when stomach acid damages the lining of the digestive tract, and it comes with a deep, aching, gnawing pain. Gastric and duedenom ulcer are raw sores in the gastrointestinal tract, either stomach or duedenom. Each … Read more

Your kidneys remove waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. Sometimes, wh…

Your kidneys remove waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. Sometimes, wh…

[ad_1] Your kidneys remove waste and fluid from your blood to make urine. Sometimes, when you have too much of certain wastes and not enough fluid in your blood, these wastes can build up and stick together in your kidneys. These clumps of waste are called kidney stones. Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals … Read more

Diabetes Nephropathy. . . .Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. Ab…

Diabetes Nephropathy.
.Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. Ab…

[ad_1] Diabetes Nephropathy. . . . Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease. About 1 out of 4 adults with diabetes has kidney disease. When suffering from diabetes your blood vessels are likely injured, hence your kidneys will not be able to flush out your system effectively. Your system will retain more salt and … Read more

STROKE . . Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in population across…

Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in population across…

[ad_1] STROKE . . Stroke is a major cause of death and disability in population across the world. Hypertension is the most common stroke risk factor globally as well as in the Nigerian population, however other modifiable risk factors such as obesity are becoming increasingly prevalent due to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyle. Stroke risk … Read more