Sleep On Your Side? Try this. Follow for MOREEEE . Tag, Save, or Share with a…

Sleep On Your Side? Try this.
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[ad_1] Sleep On Your Side? Try this ??‍♂️???‍♂️ . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . Tag, Save, or Share with a friend who will benefit from this . Pillows are not just for your head and neck. Depending on your sleeping position, additional pillows can help keep your spine in the proper position. The pillow for … Read more

Helicobacter Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacteria, that live in the digestive trac…

Helicobacter Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacteria, that live in the digestive trac…

[ad_1] Helicobacter Pylori is a spiral-shaped bacteria, that live in the digestive tract, precisely in the stomach. Around two-thirds of the world, population carries this bacteria. For most people, it does not cause any problems, while others can cause a various spectrum of diseases, starting from upset stomach, gastritis, ulcer to more serious such as … Read more

A blend of Medicinal plants with tumeric tested and trusted for the management …

A blend of Medicinal plants with tumeric  tested and trusted for the management …

[ad_1] A blend of Medicinal plants with tumeric tested and trusted for the management of diabetes and strengthening of the pancreas. #herbs #herbalgram #naturalist #naturemedicine #medicinalplants #lagosherbs #healing #health #Nigeria #lagosherbs [ad_2] Source

Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a pla…

Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a pla…

[ad_1] Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a plant with excellent properties for health. It’s known as one of the plants with unique antioxidant properties and many other benefits. Because of parsley combination of vitamins,flavonoids and nutrients like chlorophyll it has the power to help purify the blood,liver … Read more

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

[ad_1] If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers experience numerous warning symptoms, but most of them fail to understand their body. Stroke is a condition in which the blood stops flowing in the brain, and cells die off. It doesn’t necessarily mean that only old people can suffer a … Read more

Dates or Dabinu as it is Called in Nigeria, has a lot of benefit as it is rich i…

Dates or Dabinu as it is Called in Nigeria, has a lot of benefit as it is rich i…

[ad_1] Dates or Dabinu as it is Called in Nigeria, has a lot of benefit as it is rich in nutrient that will boost your metabolism and relieve you from many health problems. Here is a list of Dates Benefit. Loaded in Iron Iron cares about the red blood cells and hemoglobin,providing a better flow … Read more

Diabetes, Mellitus or Gestational is a group of metabolic diseases in which the …

Diabetes, Mellitus or Gestational is a group of metabolic diseases in which the …

[ad_1] Diabetes, Mellitus or Gestational is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Patients with high blood sugar will typically experience polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly … Read more

SWIPE LEFT >>>>>. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by bone loss which l…

SWIPE LEFT >>>>>. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by bone loss which l…

[ad_1] SWIPE LEFT >>>>>. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by bone loss which leaves your bones fragile and prone to fractures. It’s a silent condition and you may not observe any symptoms till a fracture occurs, most commonly in the hips, spine or wrist. But compression fractures associated with this condition need not necessarily cause … Read more

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

[ad_1] MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba) Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the 27 medicinal plant used for fertility herb by @herbsandtibb Maca In synergy with 26 other potent fertility herbs you can definitely get ready for the baby bump pictures. Maca counterbalance estrogen dominance and general hormone imbalance, … Read more