Better is a nice word! No matter how good things are, they can always improve! Y…

Better is a nice word! No matter how good things are, they can always improve! Y…

[ad_1] Better is a nice word! No matter how good things are, they can always improve! You have the right to constantly move forward and upward! Continue to better yourself, every day in every way! And one day you will look back, stunned at how much have achieved in you life! . . . . … Read more

Grocery shopping tip:Try to concentrate your shopping on the perimeter of the …

Grocery shopping tip:Try to concentrate your shopping on the perimeter of the …

[ad_1] Grocery shopping tip: Try to concentrate your shopping on the perimeter of the grocery store where the fresh, refrigerated and frozen foods are, rather than in the center aisles where processed foods like chips, cookies, and candy can be tempting. If fresh veggies tend to expire before you get a chance to eat them, … Read more

Earl Nightingale  Says that success is the progressive realization of a worthy i…

Earl Nightingale  Says that success is the progressive realization of a worthy i…

[ad_1] Earl Nightingale  Says that success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. It is not about getting anywhere. it to move in an upward direction. Make sure you make good choices which will help you move ahead today. . . . . . #detoxdiet #herbalist #enlightment #bodyandsoul #bodyandmind #yoghi #samsara #mindfulness #yogachallenge #ayurvedic … Read more

If you take the time to observe flowers, You will learn many lessons. Nature has…

If you take the time to observe flowers, You will learn many lessons. Nature has…

[ad_1] If you take the time to observe flowers, You will learn many lessons. Nature has so much to teach us! Plants bend themselves outside of their natural growth habit to reach into light. A plant on a windowsill turns to face the sun, letting you know it’s not receiving enough of it. A phenomenon … Read more

Food prepared at home is healthier. We eat fewer calories when we cook at home. …

Food prepared at home is healthier. We eat fewer calories when we cook at home. …

[ad_1] Food prepared at home is healthier. We eat fewer calories when we cook at home. And when restaurant dishes and home-cooked meals are compared on a per-calorie basis, home cooked meals are healthier. Instead of adding cooking Bags & Seasoning Mixes into your meals use fresh spices and veggies. Nature has already provided you … Read more

Listen to your body! It has all the answers you need! You are born with the pote…

Listen to your body! It has all the answers you need! You are born with the pote…

[ad_1] Listen to your body! It has all the answers you need! You are born with the potential to live an extraordinary life! Your body knows how to heal itself. Once you get connected with yourself, it will be easier to break free from habits that don’t serve you well. By learning how you can … Read more

Be aware! Read labels! Many products have more ingredients that they first seem …

Be aware! Read labels! Many products have more ingredients that they first seem …

[ad_1] Be aware! Read labels! Many products have more ingredients that they first seem to. Choose nonindustrial products as often as possible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #detoxdiet #naturepath #chinesemedicine #herbalife #herbaliferesults #herbalist #foodis #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedic #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #chineseherbs #sugar #beawere #readlabels #herbalifenutrition #herb #herbs #medicinalherbs #healingquotes … Read more

Very often we are so used to the way we feel, that we don’t realise how the thin…

Very often we are so used to the way we feel, that we don’t realise how the thin…

[ad_1] Very often we are so used to the way we feel, that we don’t realise how the things we eat are affecting our mood and emotions. . . . . . . . . . . #detoxdiet #naturepath #chinesemedicine #herbalife #herbaliferesults #herbalist #ayurvedicmedicine #ayurvedic #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #youareyoueat #attention #chineseherbs #foodismedecine #vegan #vegano #veggie #herbalifenutrition … Read more

Pay attention to the way you feel after you eat. Are you nourishing your body? I…

Pay attention to the way you feel after you eat. Are you nourishing your body? I…

[ad_1] Pay attention to the way you feel after you eat. Are you nourishing your body? In her book BODY cameron diaz talks about the importance of honoring your hanger. When you feel hungry your body is telling you that it is lacking nutrition. So instead of filling it with whatever you can find, give … Read more

The first step towards good health is proper eating habits. How well are you tak…

The first step towards good health is proper eating habits. How well are you tak…

[ad_1] The first step towards good health is proper eating habits. How well are you taking care of your body? Pay attention to what goes through your mouth. And also pay attention to the way you feel after you eat. Your body is always giving you feedback. All you need to do is to listen … Read more