Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger’s Syndrome is a form of autism. It is the mildest form of the autism spectrum disorders. This condition is a neurobiological disorder and is also classified as a pervasive developmental disorder (aka PDD). So what does all this mean in simple terms? A person with Asperger’s Syndrome displays significant lack of social interaction capabilities. … Read more



If your child is displaying some unusual behavior patterns you may be wondering is my child autistic? Autism is a life-long developmental disorder that affects an individual’s ability to interact with their world as others do. Having an autistic toddler can be a major challenge for any parent, but don’t despair, as there are many … Read more

AutoImmune Diseases

“Diseases autoimmune” or “autoimmune diseases”, whichever way you normally call them, are not usually that easy to diagnose. The symptoms vary from person to person and each disease is different. Many parts of the body are usually involved such as the red blood cells, blood vessels, connective tissues, digestive system, endocrine system, muscles, joints, nerves … Read more

How herbs can help with hay fever ?

How herbs can help with hay fever ?

Some new hay fever tips. If you happen to be one of the many unfortunate people who suffer from hay fever, you will likely not be all pleased about the arrival of spring, summer. Pollen laden spring air can be the source of misery and discomfort that may last for weeks or months.  Violent sneezing … Read more

Health Tips – The Mysterious healing power of Dandelions

Today I would like to talk about a plant that most people just mow down in their yards without a second thought. Why do they do this ? Because this plant is generally considered to be just a nuisance weed. Little do they know the almost magical healing properties, including allergy healing, contained in this … Read more

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the skin also known as Tinea Pedis. This fungus loves a warm, moist or damp environment, such as are found in locker rooms, health clubs, public showers, sports shoes and indoor swimming pools. This condition is highly contagious so I recommend that you be very careful in … Read more


Asthma is a common respiratory condition that affects the trachea and bronchial tubes causing them to become inflamed and filled with mucus creating a narrowing of the airwaves which causes difficulty to breathe properly. Asthma can happen to anyone but is more common among children and young adults. This is a serious condition so must … Read more

Apple Cider Vinegar – 7 Amazing Uses

Apple Cider Vinegar also known as ACV, to me, is almost a miraculous product for the amount of uses it has and the tremendous benefits it offers. Have you ever used it? If so then you know what I am talking about. Well maybe you will learn some other uses or benefits from reading this … Read more


Anorexia Nervosa (sometimes incorrectly called nervosa anorexia) is classified as an eating disorder. People who suffer with Anorexia Nervosa have an obsession with food and are overly concerned with being thin. They are often so terrified of gaining weight that they go to extreme measures to lose weight or maintain a body weight that is … Read more