5 Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is simply the act of regularly working towards keeping your mouth and teeth clean to avoid having dental troubles, in particular the dreaded dental caries (fillings) as well as gingivitis, and more commonly, bad breath. I saw a poster once in a doctor’s office that depicted that many diseases we suffer with, start out … Read more



An abrasion is quite simply a surface bruise to the upper layer of your skin, known as the epidermis. It may sometimes have slight bleeding but most times you just see an area of damaged skin with redness below where the blood has accumulated. In most cases, abrasions do not leave scars but deep abrasions … Read more

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

With our deteriorating food supply and our fast paced lifestyles is it any wonder that more and more people everyday suffer from acid reflux?   Some choose to go straight to their doctor to get a prescription drug to deal with this condition… but why would you want to risk all of the side effects … Read more



Teenagers are the usual victims of acne as it is a side effect of the hormonal changes taking place in their bodies. Some adults also have bouts of acne. Whether in a teenager or an adult it is an embarrassing condition to deal with and can also be painful in some cases. So let’s look … Read more



Aging is something that we all have to face in our lives. It’s a natural process and there’s nothing we can do to stop it from happening. So we might as well accept it and learn how to look after ourselves in order to make the best of it. Here are some natural remedies that … Read more


Alcoholism has caused many problems for families and individuals and, while it may not be possible to get this condition out of a person completely, there are definitely natural remedies that can help to keep this condition under control. An alcoholic cannot drink in moderation or cut down on their drinking. The only way is … Read more


Alzheimer’s also sometimes referred to in slang as “Old Timers”, since it happens to the elderly, is the most common form of dementia. It is quite common and expected to grow in incidence. Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease. Forgetfulness is usually the most common initial symptom. People in the initial stage of this disease being … Read more



Amnesia is a condition in which someone either partially or completely loses their ability to remember things. In some cases this is a temporary situation. In more severe cases it is permanent. There are different types of amnesia. Some types of amnesia are caused by old age and others by traumatic events or physical damage … Read more



An Angina attack is an experience, like a heart attack, where the person feels acute pain or discomfort in the chest area. This is usually the cause of reduced blood flowing to the heart due to blockage or narrowing of the arteries. It can also be caused by an increased demand for blood flow to … Read more


Everyone feels anxious from time to time and that’s nothing to be concerned about. However, if you feel anxious all the time and without reason, and this anxiety is affecting your daily life, then you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Here are some of the symptoms of an anxiety disorder that you may be experiencing; 1. … Read more