Yoga and Natural Healing Remedies

Yoga and Natural Healing Remedies

All forms of Yoga are being given a closer look by medical and scientific communities, due to the benefits of living a Yogic lifestyle. We often read or hear about the benefits of Yoga poses (asana), Yogic breathing techniques (pranayama), or meditation. Yet, the benefits of taking Yoga lessons into daily life are not usually taken into … Read more

What is Eczema?

What is Eczema?

Eczema or as some people call it dermatitis, is a skin condition that can strike males or females of all ages. The disease varies greatly in both the area affected and in severity. Common symptoms of mild eczema can include dry, hot and itchy skin but more severe forms of the condition can result in … Read more

How to cope with Winter and Dry Itchy Skin

How to cope with Winter and Dry Itchy Skin

Are you dealing with itchy skin problems like I used to ? With the winter season fast approaching, I wanted to share some tips on helping your skin cope with the harsh weather, and decrease any problems with itchy skin during the winter and dry weather conditions. Taking good care of your skin is always important, but … Read more

Hay fever: natural remedies to ease the sneeze

If you’re like millions of people around the country plagued with seasonal allergies, the return of summer can literally bring tears to your eyes. Instead of being outdoors and smelling the roses, allergy sufferers have already retreated indoors to battle a war of sneezing fits, scratchy eyes, runny noses and the dreaded post-nasal drip. The … Read more

Health tips for hay fever suffers

Health tips for hay fever suffers

Hay fever season is here and I wanted to write about some good news for hay fever sufferers.For most people, the beginning of spring and summer is a time of brightness, blossoming excitement, and possibility. For 1 out 5 Americans, however, the arrival of spring and summer is met with apprehension and dread because it signals … Read more

Cause of Allergies

Cause of Allergies

Have you ever wondered why allergies occurs ? Allergies are caused when the body over reacts to certain substances like pollen,ragweed,animal dander,certain foods,like nuts,eggs,milk,chocolate.  Substances which cause allergies are called allergens. When the body’s immune system identifies these foreign invaders, it sends out antibodies to get rid of them. Usually, the amount of antibodies sent … Read more