The saying: Wider grip, Wider Lats has led to many people only utilizing the wid…

The saying: Wider grip, Wider Lats has led to many people only utilizing the wid…

[ad_1] The saying: Wider grip, Wider Lats has led to many people only utilizing the wide grip. However, a study shows that a closer grip can actually result in a slightly higher activation in the lats (and higher bicep activation).⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ This does not mean that you should only use the closer grip. The wide … Read more

You have to win the battle in your head first ⁣ by . TAG-SAVE-SHARE . Follow f…

You have to win the battle in your head first ⁣ by
Follow  f…

[ad_1] You have to win the battle in your head first ?⁣ by @tangyauhoong . TAG-SAVE-SHARE . Follow @Kshamicamd for MOREEEEEEE . Whether it is in the gym, your job or any other topic – visualize your goal and you can make it!⁣ . #believe #achieve #goal #mindset #gym #success #buildingmuscle #braingains #bodybuilding #fitness #nothingisimpossible … Read more