MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

[ad_1] MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba) Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the 27 medicinal plant used for fertility herb by @herbsandtibb Maca In synergy with 26 other potent fertility herbs you can definitely get ready for the baby bump pictures. Maca counterbalance estrogen dominance and general hormone imbalance, … Read more

HERB FOR UTERINE FIBROID.This anti fibroid herbal preparation was developed by…

HERB FOR UTERINE FIBROID.This anti fibroid herbal preparation was developed by…

[ad_1] HERB FOR UTERINE FIBROID. This anti fibroid herbal preparation was developed by a qualified phytotherapist. Thoroughly researched, it is a decoction of 19 potent medicinal plants,stems,roots and barks rich in polyphenols, which studies have shown to posses potent anti fibroid properties and has been shown in human to shrink uterine fibroid.#herbsandtibb Call/WhatsApp 08035680147 or … Read more

CATARACT WITHOUT SURGERY.A natural lens sits inside the front section of your …

CATARACT WITHOUT SURGERY.A natural lens sits inside the front section of your …

[ad_1] CATARACT WITHOUT SURGERY. A natural lens sits inside the front section of your eye, and as you age this lens may start to turn cloudy. This condition is called cataract, it lead to progressively worsening vision. In the early stages, changes in your prescription for glasses will improve your eyesight, but as the cataract … Read more

BITTER KOLA Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering pla…

Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering pla…

[ad_1] BITTER KOLA Bitter Kola also known as Garcinia kola is a tropical flowering plant found in western and central Africa and it produces brown, nut-like seeds. It has been used in African culture for centuries for both traditional and medicinal purposes. It contains dimeric flavonoid, lipase inhibitor which is believed to have many healing … Read more

SPERM NUTRIENT AND FERTILITYa few Sperm make it!When you consider that about…

SPERM NUTRIENT AND FERTILITYa few Sperm make it!When you consider that about…

[ad_1] SPERM NUTRIENT AND FERTILITY a few Sperm make it! When you consider that about 300 million sperm will be trying to make their way to the cervix, but only one million will make it that far, and out of that one million only 200 will make it to the fallopian tubes, only to bounce … Read more

Extra fluid retention in the body usually results in a swelling condition called…

Extra fluid retention in the body usually results in a swelling condition called…

[ad_1] Extra fluid retention in the body usually results in a swelling condition called edema. It can affect any part of the body but mostly the arms, feet, ankles, and legs. Edema can be caused by a variety of conventional medication, pregnancy or a number of underlying ailments such as heart problems, kidney disease or … Read more

ENDOMETRIOSIS.Endometriosis is one of the leading cause of infertility in wome…

ENDOMETRIOSIS.Endometriosis is one of the leading cause of infertility in wome…

[ad_1] ENDOMETRIOSIS. Endometriosis is one of the leading cause of infertility in women, with endometriosis, displaced endometrial tissue continues to act as it normally would β€” it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. Because this displaced tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, … Read more

CATARACT.A cataract is a clouding of the lens in your eye and normally occurs …

CATARACT.A cataract is a clouding of the lens in your eye and normally occurs …

[ad_1] CATARACT. A cataract is a clouding of the lens in your eye and normally occurs as part of the ageing process, although there are other reasons why a cataract can develop earlier in life. During cataract surgery the natural lens of your eye, which has become cloudy, is replaced by a clear artificial lens … Read more

PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT.The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, …

PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT.The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, …

[ad_1] PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system, is located just below the bladder, between the rectum and the base of the penis. Because the prostate wraps around part of the urethra, where urine passes through, an enlarged prostate may cause issues with urination. When the prostate grows, it may … Read more