Fatty Liver Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in many parts o…

Fatty Liver
Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in many parts o…

[ad_1] Fatty Liver Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly common in many parts of the world, affecting millions of people globally If fatty liver isn’t addressed, it may progress to more serious liver diseases like cirrhosis, liver cancer and other health problems. Fatty liver disease is just as it sounds – too much fat in … Read more

High blood pressure is a powerful independent risk factor for death from heart d…

High blood pressure is a powerful independent risk factor for death from heart d…

[ad_1] High blood pressure is a powerful independent risk factor for death from heart disease and stroke. It is also a common clinical condition affecting more than 1 billion persons worldwide. Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It is dangerous because it makes the heart work too hard and contributes to atherosclerosis … Read more

When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlook…

When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlook…

[ad_1] When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlooked strategy is stress management. Here are some few tips you can use to reduce stress level Get enough sleep – Inadequate or poor-quality sleep can negatively affect your mood, mental alertness, energy level, and physical health. Strengthen your social network – … Read more

Ovarian reserve refers to the reproductive potential left within a woman’s two o…

Ovarian reserve refers to the reproductive potential left within a woman’s two o…

[ad_1] Ovarian reserve refers to the reproductive potential left within a woman’s two ovaries based on number and quality of eggs. Diminished ovarian reserve is the loss of normal reproductive potential in the ovaries due to a lower count or quality of the remaining eggs. Normal aging causes most cases of diminished ovarian reserve but … Read more

The wide spread of antibiotic resistance observed is now posing a serious public…

The wide spread of antibiotic resistance observed is now posing a serious public…

[ad_1] The wide spread of antibiotic resistance observed is now posing a serious public health concern. Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health it can affect anyone, of any age, in any country. A growing number of infections – such as tuberculosis, gonorrhoea, Bacteria Vaginosis, E.t.c are becoming harder to treat … Read more

INFERTILITY.The prevalence of infertility issues is overwhelming, a significan…

INFERTILITY.The prevalence of infertility issues is overwhelming, a significan…

[ad_1] INFERTILITY. The prevalence of infertility issues is overwhelming, a significant proportion of women in Nigeria still do not become pregnant after long-term infertility, whether it is originally due to older age or other undetermined factors. Herbs have been used for many centuries to treat a wide array of health problems. Herbal remedies may enhance fertility by supporting the … Read more

Cancer :- Today’s Epidemic . . . Many atimes, we wonder why Cancer is becoming a…

Cancer :- Today’s Epidemic
Many atimes, we wonder why Cancer is becoming a…

[ad_1] Cancer :- Today’s Epidemic . . . Many atimes, we wonder why Cancer is becoming an Epidemic. We have fancy hospitals, Advanced technological Equipment, Nutritionists and supplements and so much funds for healthcare, yet cancer stats is still on the rise. Here are Common factors found in the lifestyle of patients diagnosed of cancer. … Read more

There are cures for cancer which don’t give you many of the adverse reactions in…

There are cures for cancer which don’t give you many of the adverse reactions in…

[ad_1] There are cures for cancer which don’t give you many of the adverse reactions in conventional medicine. For every Ailment there’s a natural cure. #herbsandtibb #herbsandhealth #medicinalplants #herbs #naija #lagosherbstore #naijahealth #lagos #healthng #naijamarket #abuja#joroolumofin #joro #jagabanofig #jagaban #hustlersquare #lagoshustler #naijabrandchick #lagosnigeria #womenhealth #instablog #lekkiwives #cancernigeria #naijahustlers #hustle #explore #yorubawedding [ad_2] Source

LOW SPERM COUNT a few Sperm made it!When you consider that about 50 million s…

a few Sperm made it!When you consider that about 50 million s…

[ad_1] LOW SPERM COUNT a few Sperm made it! When you consider that about 50 million sperm cells will be trying to make their way to the cervix, but only one million will make it that far, and out of that one million only 200 will make it to the fallopian tubes, only to bounce … Read more

Arthritis. . . . An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and s…

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An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and s…

[ad_1] Arthritis. . . . An inflammation of one or more joints causing severe pain and stiffness that can worsen with age. Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and Osteoarthritis are the common forms of arthritis. Arthritis is more common in women than it is in men and in Nigeria over 1.5 million cases are reported annually, rheumatoid … Read more