In alternative medicine, cordyceps is often touted as a natural energy booster. …

In alternative medicine, cordyceps is often touted as a natural energy booster. …

[ad_1] In alternative medicine, cordyceps is often touted as a natural energy booster. Proponents also claim that cordyceps can protect against health problems like asthma, depression, diabetes, fatigue, high cholesterol, and upper respiratory tract infections. Cordyceps is also purported to boost athletic performance, a claim that grabbed headlines in 1993 when Chinese track and field … Read more

It is so amazing how nature provides us with all we need to live a healthy life….

It is so amazing how nature provides us with all we need to live a healthy life….

[ad_1] It is so amazing how nature provides us with all we need to live a healthy life. Did you know that smelling an orange can also reduce feelings of anxiety? It is a great way to start the day. Begin your morning like this: cut an orange in half – appreciating and calming your … Read more

Stress is one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century. Driven by t…

Stress is one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century. Driven by t…

[ad_1] Stress is one of the greatest health challenges of the 21st century. Driven by the bustle of everyday life and exacerbated by poor diet, stress can be a major burden on our health and lifestyles. In this post we offer some suggestions and alternatives that can really help you get through the day without … Read more

Everyone knows that excessive maternal weight gain can be a risk factor for vari…

Everyone knows that excessive maternal weight gain can be a risk factor for vari…

[ad_1] Everyone knows that excessive maternal weight gain can be a risk factor for various illnesses and complications during pregnancy. The obese pregnant woman has a higher chance of developing hypertension, diabetes, and having a baby with weight problems at birth and throughout life. Additionally, maternal obesity causes metabolic changes in the mother that can … Read more

Sometimes we come across some health problems that really make our jaw drop. Did…

Sometimes we come across some health problems that really make our jaw drop.

[ad_1] Sometimes we come across some health problems that really make our jaw drop. Did you know that we can prevent countless illnesses by adopting somewhat more natural and healthy practices? Here at @Samsara_Herbs we post alternatives to help deal with some of the problems that poor food choices can cause. One of the most … Read more

Also, water can really transform your body. You will become a completely differ…

Also, water can really transform your body. You will become a completely differ…

[ad_1] ? Also, water can really transform your body. You will become a completely different person the moment you adopt this practice. In addition to helping you with stress, headaches, circulatory problems, and infectious diseases, there are few things as pleasurable as a glass of cold water! Follow @Samsara_herbs for more content like this! . … Read more

In addition to being decorative, there are many varieties of plants that are exc…

In addition to being decorative, there are many varieties of plants that are exc…

[ad_1] In addition to being decorative, there are many varieties of plants that are excellent at purifying the air. Snake plants are among the best and leave the house free of harmful substances such as formaldehyde, as well as helping to remove ammonia from the air. Additionally, Snake Plants are among the easiest plants to … Read more

Hot or cold, made from herbs or flowers, teas are natural remedies that can bene…

Hot or cold, made from herbs or flowers, teas are natural remedies that can bene…

[ad_1] Hot or cold, made from herbs or flowers, teas are natural remedies that can benefit sleep, aid weight loss, clear the liver and contribute directly to mental relaxation. On top of that, teas are extremely rich in antioxidants, have less caffeine than coffee (or no caffeine at all), and benefit our liver. Teas also … Read more

A β€œcleanse” is the process of eliminating excess and accumulated toxins from the…

A β€œcleanse” is the process of eliminating excess and accumulated toxins from the…

[ad_1] A β€œcleanse” is the process of eliminating excess and accumulated toxins from the body. In addition, there are a number of healthy food alternatives to support the detox process. Pineapple, honey, orange, watermelon and apple are some of the foods that can really help you in a cleanse and/or a detox. Here at @Samsara_Herbs … Read more

Healthy eating is one of the secrets to having beautiful, healthy skin, as the r…

Healthy eating is one of the secrets to having beautiful, healthy skin, as the r…

[ad_1] Healthy eating is one of the secrets to having beautiful, healthy skin, as the right foods can fight inflammation, prevent premature aging, and cooperate with renewing face and body skin. The foods for perfect skin are mainly vegetables, fruits and vegetables, because these foods are rich in antioxidants, which protect skin cells from free … Read more