Man or Guac Choose . Comment below . Follow for MOREEE . by: . #kshamicaMD#…
[ad_1] Man or Guac⁉️ Choose‼️ ? ?? . ??Comment below?? . Follow @kshamicaMD for MOREEE . ? by: @the.veganvibe . #kshamicaMD#theveganvibe#guacamole#avocado [ad_2] Source
Herbs and natural remedies
[ad_1] Man or Guac⁉️ Choose‼️ ? ?? . ??Comment below?? . Follow @kshamicaMD for MOREEE . ? by: @the.veganvibe . #kshamicaMD#theveganvibe#guacamole#avocado [ad_2] Source
[ad_1] Your brain is kind of a big deal.⠀ ⠀ As the control center of your body, it’s in charge of keeping your heart beating and lungs breathing and allowing you to move, feel and think.⠀ ⠀ That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your brain in peak working condition.⠀ -⠀ Credits : @mysuperbodytransformation⠀ … Read more
[ad_1] ONE OF THE BEST SOURCES OF HEALTHY FATS ?? WITH A MULTITUDE OF OPTIMAL BENEFITS ?? . . . . . #veganmemes #naturalremedy #herbs #meatfree #vegansoftheworld #plantstrong #animallovers #herbalmedicine #fasting #intermittentfasting #ahealthofknowledge #alkalinevegan #vegan #plantpower #electricfoods #alkalineliving #plantbased #rawvegan #digestivehealth #veganrecipes #avocados #veganfood #alkalinefood #alkalinediet #healthyliving #avocadoseed #drrobertmorse #arnoldehret #avocado [ad_2] Source
[ad_1] Which kind do you eat the most⁉️ TAG-SAVE-SHARE with an avocado lover‼ . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . ?: @veganfitlyfe . #vegan#plantbased#avocado [ad_2] Source
[ad_1] Check out this Long Neck Avocado, grown in Miami ?? 100% organic and non-GMO. Yes, this is real! ??? Post by @teamplants . TAG-SAVE-SHARE . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . Imagine making #guacamole from these bad boys. You cannot find these in typical grocery stores because they’re not grown commercially. – You can order … Read more
[ad_1] The keto diet is all about the fat. And in an eating plan where up to 80 percent of the calories come from fat — which shifts your body into ketosis, or a state in which you burn fat for your primary source of energy (instead of carbohydrates) — it’s going to be the … Read more