Did you know that Weight Loss and Fat Loss are totally different ? . TAG-SAVE-S…

Did you know that Weight Loss and Fat Loss are totally different ?

[ad_1] Did you know that Weight Loss and Fat Loss are totally different ? ? . ?TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone that would find this helpful . Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE . Weight loss involves the loss of Muscle in the dieting process, whilst Losing Fat is designed in the diet plan to try and keep your … Read more

or _ Follow for the BEST in healthy living _ Post by: _ 200 calories each! O…

Follow  for the BEST in healthy living
Post by:
200 calories each! O…

[ad_1] ???? or ??⁉️ _ Follow @kshamicamd for the BEST in healthy living _ Post by: @caloriefixes _ 200 calories each! One spoon of Nutella or a delicious plate of strawberries! Sure you can have both too☺️ . When you reach for that spoon of ‘heaven’ ..maybe you may have a sweet craving? How about … Read more

NOT SEEING RESULTS IN THE GYM? by ⠀⁠⠀ Does a CEO run a successful company by ma…

Does a CEO run a successful company by ma…

[ad_1] NOT SEEING RESULTS IN THE GYM? by @grantgirsky⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Does a CEO run a successful company by making random executive decisions with no logic behind their actions?⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ Absolutely not.⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ The same concept applies to your workouts…⁠⠀ ⠀⁠⠀ ✔️ Here are a few benchmarks to consider when it comes to your time in … Read more