Asthma. . .Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation charac…

.Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation charac…

[ad_1] Asthma. . . Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation characterized by recurrent, reversible, airway obstruction. Airway inflammation causes airways to narrow in response to various stimuli According to the WHO data published in 2017 Asthma Deaths in Nigeria reached over 11 thousands. As enormous as the country is in population wise, … Read more

A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cel…

A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cel…

[ad_1] A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cells to absorb the nutrient these wonderful blend provides. Good for diabetic patients and also for those recovering from serious illness, good for elderly people, buy and send to big mum and dad to receive the best prayers, the growing … Read more

Hormonal imbalance in Men.While most commonly thought of as being a problem fo…

Hormonal imbalance in Men.While most commonly thought of as being a problem fo…

[ad_1] Hormonal imbalance in Men. While most commonly thought of as being a problem for women, both genders can suffer from hormone imbalance. Hormones play an important role in growth and regulation of normal body functions. For this reason, hormone imbalances can arise at any age in both men and women. Types of Male Hormone Imbalance … Read more

Immune boosting herbs.Get your Immune boosted amidst this pandemicYour immu…

Immune boosting herbs.Get your  Immune boosted amidst this pandemicYour immu…

[ad_1] Immune boosting herbs. Get your Immune boosted amidst this pandemic Your immune system is your first line of defence,if it’s compromised you might not win this battle with Covid-19. Backed by sayings from the Noble prophet and also scientifically proven with over hundreds of clinical records. With change in diet, regular exercise and blackseed … Read more

DEFINITIONProstate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. A…

DEFINITIONProstate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. A…

[ad_1] DEFINITION Prostate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate gland enlargement can cause bothersome urinary symptoms. Untreated, prostate gland enlargement can block the flow of urine out of the bladder and cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems. There are several effective treatments for … Read more

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

[ad_1] If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers experience numerous warning symptoms, but most of them fail to understand their body. Stroke is a condition in which the blood stops flowing in the brain, and cells die off. It doesn’t necessarily mean that only old people can suffer a … Read more

Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. . .get you herbs for fungi/yeast i…

Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. .
.get you herbs for fungi/yeast i…

[ad_1] Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. . .get you herbs for fungi/yeast infection Call or WhatsApp us 08035680147 All medicinal plants,non alcoholic. . . . . #herbsandtibb #medicnalherbs #medicinalplants #naturemedicine #infertilitysucks #infection #lagosherbs #agbo #naija [ad_2] Source

We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to hel…

We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to hel…

[ad_1] We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to help anyone with issues trying to conceive. Medicinal plants or herbs are natural, holistic with no side effect . . Call or Whatsapp us now. 234(0)8035680147. . . . . . #herbsandtibb #herbsforhealth #agbo #naturemedicine #naturalcure #medicinalplants #lagos #naija #infertilitysucks #fertility [ad_2] Source

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

[ad_1] What is an herb? An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.” A “plant or plant part” means that an herb can be a single-celled algae, the bark of a tree, the leaf, root, fruit, seed, flower, or any other part of any plant, as long … Read more

Prescription drugs for increasing sex drive and balancing hormones come with a b…

Prescription drugs for increasing sex drive and balancing hormones come with a b…

[ad_1] Prescription drugs for increasing sex drive and balancing hormones come with a big dose of short and long term consequences. The truth is, there are very effective ways to increase libido naturally! @herbsandtibb natural remedies that boost sex drive are well documented to increase pleasure, stimulate blood flow, balance hormones,  increase libido and nourish the reproductive system. … Read more