More than 90 million cases per year (Nigeria)Most vaginal yeast infections ar…

More than 90 million  cases per year (Nigeria)Most vaginal yeast infections ar…

[ad_1] More than 90 million cases per year (Nigeria) Most vaginal yeast infections are caused by the organism Candida albicans. Yeast infections are very common and affect up to 75% of women at some point in their lifetime. The main symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching, but burning, discharge, and pain with urination … Read more

This nature given medicine is called Moringa Oleifera .It is part homemade medic…

This nature given medicine is called Moringa Oleifera .It is part homemade medic…

[ad_1] This nature given medicine is called Moringa Oleifera .It is part homemade medicine practice for a long time, and has been used as a powerful antioxidant. Among the scientific community, there is no doubt as to the health benefits of this plant, but it is still to be researched completely. Moringa is filled with vitamins and minerals. … Read more

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

[ad_1] If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers experience numerous warning symptoms, but most of them fail to understand their body. Stroke is a condition in which the blood stops flowing in the brain, and cells die off. It doesn’t necessarily mean that only old people can suffer a … Read more

The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functio…

The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functio…

[ad_1] The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functions. This organ is responsible, among other things, for detoxification, regulation of metabolism, blood purification, synthesis of plasma proteins as well as absorption and storage of vitamins. Many factors and habits can affect liver health and therefore also general health. … Read more

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

[ad_1] Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 percent of couples are clinically barren, 40% of which is due to males with spermatogenic (development of mature sperm) deficiencies. Male infertility can also be caused by a variety of injuries and abnormalities of the sperm producing organs, … Read more

Prolactin is one of the hormones that is produced in the front portion of the pi…

Prolactin is one of the hormones that is produced in the front portion of the pi…

[ad_1] Prolactin is one of the hormones that is produced in the front portion of the pituitary gland (anterior pituitary gland) which lies at the bottom of the brain. This hormone is produced both in women and men. Apart from the anterior pituitary, other sites of prolactin production in the body include the uterus, immune cells, brain, breasts, … Read more

Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. . .get you herbs for fungi/yeast i…

Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. .
.get you herbs for fungi/yeast i…

[ad_1] Feedback from customers is a wonderful thing. . .get you herbs for fungi/yeast infection Call or WhatsApp us 08035680147 All medicinal plants,non alcoholic. . . . . #herbsandtibb #medicnalherbs #medicinalplants #naturemedicine #infertilitysucks #infection #lagosherbs #agbo #naija [ad_2] Source

We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to hel…

We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to hel…

[ad_1] We have Tested and trusted Fertility Medicinal plants infused, tinctured, to help anyone with issues trying to conceive. Medicinal plants or herbs are natural, holistic with no side effect . . Call or Whatsapp us now. 234(0)8035680147. . . . . . #herbsandtibb #herbsforhealth #agbo #naturemedicine #naturalcure #medicinalplants #lagos #naija #infertilitysucks #fertility [ad_2] Source

Essential oils are the volatile oily components of aromatic plants, trees and g…

Essential oils are the volatile oily components of aromatic plants, trees and

[ad_1] Essential oils are the volatile oily components of aromatic plants, trees and grasses. They are found in tiny glands located in the flowers (neroli), leaves (eucalyptus), roots (calamus), wood (sandal) and resins (frankincense). Essential oils are extracted by four main methods: steam distillation, expression, solvent extraction and effleurage. When separated from the wax, the … Read more

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

What is an herb?An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, sa…

[ad_1] What is an herb? An herb is “a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.” A “plant or plant part” means that an herb can be a single-celled algae, the bark of a tree, the leaf, root, fruit, seed, flower, or any other part of any plant, as long … Read more