DRUG RESISTANCE GONORRHEAGonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorr…

DRUG RESISTANCE GONORRHEAGonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorr…

[ad_1] DRUG RESISTANCE GONORRHEA Gonorrhea is caused by the bacterium Neisseria Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease and spreads primarily through penetrative sexual intercourse. An  approximately 700,000 new cases of Gonorrhea are reported every year making this the second most common transmitted bacterial infection in the world. It one of the leading cause of men … Read more

Peptic Ulcer. . . Ulcer is a bit complex and in my experience with dealing with…

Peptic Ulcer.
Ulcer is a bit complex and in my experience with dealing with…

[ad_1] Peptic Ulcer. . . Ulcer is a bit complex and in my experience with dealing with clients, I realized that a lot of Nigerian still have ulcer from years back, some 6years ago, in fact there was a client with ulcer as old as 16years. The anatomical position of the stomach Is unknown to … Read more

A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cel…

A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cel…

[ad_1] A blend of plantain flour and sorgum with an activator to activate your body cells to absorb the nutrient these wonderful blend provides. Good for diabetic patients and also for those recovering from serious illness, good for elderly people, buy and send to big mum and dad to receive the best prayers, the growing … Read more

Hormonal imbalance in Men.While most commonly thought of as being a problem fo…

Hormonal imbalance in Men.While most commonly thought of as being a problem fo…

[ad_1] Hormonal imbalance in Men. While most commonly thought of as being a problem for women, both genders can suffer from hormone imbalance. Hormones play an important role in growth and regulation of normal body functions. For this reason, hormone imbalances can arise at any age in both men and women. Types of Male Hormone Imbalance … Read more

Immune boosting herbs.Get your Immune boosted amidst this pandemicYour immu…

Immune boosting herbs.Get your  Immune boosted amidst this pandemicYour immu…

[ad_1] Immune boosting herbs. Get your Immune boosted amidst this pandemic Your immune system is your first line of defence,if it’s compromised you might not win this battle with Covid-19. Backed by sayings from the Noble prophet and also scientifically proven with over hundreds of clinical records. With change in diet, regular exercise and blackseed … Read more

DEFINITIONProstate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. A…

DEFINITIONProstate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. A…

[ad_1] DEFINITION Prostate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate gland enlargement can cause bothersome urinary symptoms. Untreated, prostate gland enlargement can block the flow of urine out of the bladder and cause bladder, urinary tract or kidney problems. There are several effective treatments for … Read more

Black Seed dates back 3,300 years…The earliest record of its cultivation and u…

Black Seed dates back 3,300 years…The earliest record of its cultivation and u…

[ad_1] Black Seed dates back 3,300 years… The earliest record of its cultivation and use come from ancient Egypt. Black seed in fact, was found in Egyptian Pharoah Tutankhamun’s tomb, dating back to approximately 3,300 years ago. In Arabic cultures, black seed is known as Habbatul barakah, meaning the “seed of blessing.” It is also believed … Read more

Hepatitis C is a form of viral hepatitis transmitted in infected blood, causing …

Hepatitis C is a form of viral hepatitis transmitted in infected blood, causing …

[ad_1] Hepatitis C is a form of viral hepatitis transmitted in infected blood, causing chronic liver disease. Hepatitis includes hepatitis A, B, D and E. Hepatitis A and E is spread through contaminated food and drink, while B, C and D are transmitted by bodily fluids. Hepatitis is an unbearable and unaffected disorder and today’s … Read more

Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a pla…

Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a pla…

[ad_1] Parsley is a famous plant that is regular culinary specialties, it is also a plant with excellent properties for health. It’s known as one of the plants with unique antioxidant properties and many other benefits. Because of parsley combination of vitamins,flavonoids and nutrients like chlorophyll it has the power to help purify the blood,liver … Read more

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

[ad_1] If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers experience numerous warning symptoms, but most of them fail to understand their body. Stroke is a condition in which the blood stops flowing in the brain, and cells die off. It doesn’t necessarily mean that only old people can suffer a … Read more