If you’ve ever suffered from stomach issues, you probably understand the importa…

If you’ve ever suffered from stomach issues, you probably understand the importa…

[ad_1] If you’ve ever suffered from stomach issues, you probably understand the importance of taking good care of this important organ: your stomach. But how do you go about taking better care of it? Start by making the following 5 healthy choices for your digestion. Tag a friend who might benefit from this post. Follow … Read more

Have you ever checked out the Samsara Herbs website or Amazon storefront? The li…

Have you ever checked out the Samsara Herbs website or Amazon storefront? The li…

[ad_1] Have you ever checked out the Samsara Herbs website or Amazon storefront? The link is in our bio. We offer herbs that can help improve your vitality, health and energy. Follow @samsara_herbs for more health tips and life hacks that can help you change your life for the better. . . . . . … Read more

It is not always easy to be grateful when things are not going well. But that is…

It is not always easy to be grateful when things are not going well. But that is…

[ad_1] It is not always easy to be grateful when things are not going well. But that is when you need the power of gratitude the most! Test the power of gratitude in your own life by taking 5 minutes out of those bad days to write down 3 reasons why you are grateful. Writing … Read more

D o you know what other foods provide magnesium to our bodies? Share your favori…

D o you know what other foods provide magnesium to our bodies? Share your favori…

[ad_1] D o you know what other foods provide magnesium to our bodies? Share your favorite magnesium-rich food with us. Did you know that Magnesium can help you if you are experiencing muscle cramps? You might experience muscle cramps because your body doesn’t have enough magnesium to support your activities. Follow @samsara_herbs for more health … Read more

What a beautiful proverb! Do you agree? If so double-tap to like and tag your fr…

What a beautiful proverb! Do you agree? If so double-tap to like and tag your fr…

[ad_1] What a beautiful proverb! Do you agree? If so double-tap to like and tag your friends who will benefit from seeing this post. Follow @samsara_herbs for more health tips and life hacks that can help you change your life for the better. Our main goal is to help you improve your vitality, health and … Read more

Are you beating yourself up because your fitness journey is not as easy as you t…

Are you beating yourself up because your fitness journey is not as easy as you t…

[ad_1] Are you beating yourself up because your fitness journey is not as easy as you thought it would be? Relax! At least you are doing something. As long as you keep progressing you will eventually get to where you want to to be. Do you have a friend who is frustrated because they feel … Read more

. It is hard to look at your decisions in this way, but in reality this is how t…

. It is hard to look at your decisions in this way, but in reality this is how t…

[ad_1] . It is hard to look at your decisions in this way, but in reality this is how things work. When you eat unhealthy food you are feeding bacteria in your body that weaken your immune system. The opposite is also true. When you fill your body with the vegetables and fruits your body … Read more

Being healthy is simple. But it is not easy. Being away from alcoholic beverages…

Being healthy is simple. But it is not easy. Being away from alcoholic beverages…

[ad_1] Being healthy is simple. But it is not easy. Being away from alcoholic beverages when all your friends are drinking. Or to say no to burgers when all your friends are having it. Living healthy can be very challenging. Choosing fruits instead of chocolate or avoiding treats when everybody around makes poor choices is … Read more

with so much information out there it is confusing to know what is actually good…

with so much information out there it is confusing to know what is actually good…

[ad_1] with so much information out there it is confusing to know what is actually good or bad for us. Sugar is one of those subjects that are often overlooked in our society. Is sugar really bad for us? Unless you are fruit intolerance, eating fruits will probably not hurt you. The problem comes from … Read more

T his is a great drink to start your day! What is the first thing you drink onc…

T his is a great drink to start your day!  What is the first thing you drink onc…

[ad_1] T his is a great drink to start your day! What is the first thing you drink once you get off your bed in the morning? Do you start with water and turmeric? Lemon water? A cup of tea? Coffee? Share with us what is the first thing that touches your month once you … Read more