I’m an ear doctor – you’ve been cleaning your ears all wrong

It is incredibly satisfying to clean your ears with cotton swabs 👂✨.
But if your parents haven’t already warned you – experts say using earbuds could be dangerous ⚠️❌.

Before we delve into why, let’s look at why ear wax should actually be left untouched.

🧼 Ear wax isn’t a sign that you’re unclean or dirty – it is completely natural.
It is produced by the cells lining your outer ear and ear canal and is made up of a natural oily substance produced in the sebaceous glands.

This natural oil gets mixed up with dirt, sweat, and dead skin cells 🦠💦, which is what comes out when you use a cotton bud to clean your ears.

🛡️ Ear wax acts as a barrier and protects against viruses and harmful bacteria from entering the ear canal.
The ears are normally self-cleaning.

But if you do have a build-up of wax that is making your ears feel full, causing earache 😣, or affecting your hearing 🔇, then you may want to clean the ears out.

👨‍⚕️ Dr. Jerry Lin, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at the University of Louisville, said that sometimes you might have to visit the doctor.
But there are things you can do at home – which do not involve ear swabs 🚫👂.

He explained that picking out a little bit of wax from the front of the ear is okay but that you should never put a cotton bud inside.

“Q-Tips are a bad idea,” Dr. Lin warned.
“They take up much of the canal diameter. Therefore, using them packs the wax deeper into the ear canal.

⚠️ In the worst-case scenario, the wax could be packed against the eardrum and possibly even create an eardrum perforation 💥, leading to:

  • Hearing loss 🔇
  • Earache 😖
  • Itchiness in the ear 🤨
  • Buzzing (tinnitus) 🔔

🚫 Avoid Viral Ear Cleaning Hacks
Dr. Lin also urged against trying internet trends ❌📲.

  • Ear candling 🕯️🔥 (dropping hot wax into your ear) can be dangerous.
  • Pouring hydrogen peroxide 🧪💦 into the ears might work but can cause skin irritation and blistering.

Safer Ways to Clean Your Ears

1️⃣ Use Ear Drops 💧

  • Ear drops help thin and soften wax, making it easier to remove.
  • Available in pharmacies under brands like Otex and Otosan 🏥.
  • Usually, they work immediately, but stubborn wax may take a few tries.

2️⃣ Baking Soda Solution 🥄💦

  • Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda in water.
  • Use a dropper bottle and drop 5–10 drops into the ear.
  • Wait an hour ⏳, then rinse the ear with warm water 🌡️.
  • Repeat once a day for up to two weeks.

3️⃣ Natural Oils 🫒🥥

  • Use baby oil, mineral oil, coconut oil, or olive oil.
  • Drop a few drops into the ear, wait 1–2 days, then rinse with warm water 💧.
  • Dry the ear properly afterward with a clean towel.

Final Tip: The ears are self-cleaning! Only clean them when necessary and always use safe methods. 🦻😊