
Angina (Angina Pectoris): Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

An Angina attack is an experience, like a heart attack, where the person feels acute pain or discomfort in the chest area. This is usually the cause of reduced blood flowing to the heart due to blockage or narrowing of the arteries. It can also be caused by an increased demand for blood flow to the heart as in increased activity. Another cause could be weakening of the heart muscles.

The flow of blood through narrowing arteries causes an experience which is described as a tightness, heaviness or squeezing pain in the chest area. It is very uncomfortable and concerning.

Angina is quite common. There are sometimes other symptoms of angina such as pain in the arms, shoulders, throat, neck, jaw or back regions. Sometimes it it confused with indigestion.

Other symptoms include- shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, excessive sweating or nausea so it’s no wonder that someone experiencing an angina attack could be confused as to what is actually happening to them.

Here are some of the CAUSES of Angina:

Though the demand for blood to the heart is normal, the supply of blood to the heart can decrease due to narrowing of arteries or obstructive coronary vascular disease and this can bring on an angina attack,

Plaque or fat deposited on the heart’s blood vessels which can cause restriction of the necessary blood flow resulting in a reduced blood supply to the heart,

Other causes you need to be aware of include: having out of control blood pressure, diabetes, anemia, heavy smoking or use of cocaine and other drugs, heavy meals, physical over-exertion, emotional stress, thyroid gland diseases and other diseases that affect the heart (Such as aortic valve disease, atherosclerosis and others).

Here are some Remedies for Angina:

Most often the best, and first thing, to do is change your lifestyle. Many times it is your eating habits, lack of exercise and smoking that are lifestyle factors that can lead to angina. So you want to eat healthy and well balanced meals, stop smoking and begin a regular exercise program. Fresh fruit and raw vegetables are excellent choices for heart health. Also be sure that you consume whole grains rather than any other kind as these have the most fiber and other nutrients.

Lose weight – if you are over weight then focus on losing some of that excess weight as it only makes your heart work that much harder.

If you currently have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol (sometimes you may have all as these tend to stick together) or are obese you might already have other heart conditions to contend with so be sure that these are in check to help avoid them bringing on angina.

Some other remedies for angina that you can try include drinking your water with a slice of lemon, parsley tea, grapefruits Vitamin C), take Vitamin E as it helps to oxygenate the cells. Ginger is also helpful.

Angina: Treatment, causes, and symptoms