Thriving Weight Loss Plan

There are a boatload of things that go into a thriving weight loss plan…

Calories need to be in check ⚖️
Whole foods need to be the focus ??
You need to be exercising regularly ?️‍♂️?‍♂️

And while all those things matter, there’s ONE thing that matters more…

Without this ONE thing, it doesn’t matter how “clean” your diet is, or how strenuously you work out…

This ONE thing is what separates folks who successfully lose and maintain a healthy body from folks who find themselves in a perpetual state of “dieting”…

That one thing?

—> Consistency

See, you could have the world’s fanciest fitness plan, but if you can’t follow it consistently, it won’t matter a lick.

And this is where people get into trouble…

They jump on the latest FAD program or system, and because they’re investing so much time (and often, money), they make crazy drastic changes from the get-go.

Which lasts what… a few days?

Maybe a few weeks?

Something eventually happens — they slip up, overeat, etc. — and in that moment, the struggling dieter goes through one of two things:

1. They get angry ?, or
2. just feel disappointed ?

Either way, they let that one bad meal turn into another, and another, then another…

Before they know it, they’re back to square one ?

How to become a Successful Dieter ✅:

I truly believe that every single person can lose weight and maintain a healthy body for life…


And it doesn’t take another FAD or “challenge.” It doesn’t take more restriction, more strenuous exercise, or more motivation…

It takes consistency.

Consistently smashing the fundamentals of weight loss nutrition (being in a deficit, eating mostly whole foods, etc.)…

Consistently working out every week and staying active (walking, taking the stairs, etc.) each day…

Most importantly, when you DO slip up (because you absolutely will), it’s about getting right back on track…

Getting back to being consistent ?

And I promise you this —> whether you have a bad meal, day, week, month, or even year.

Instagram is wild – this week I’ve seen 4 pages promoting “the diet”. Apparently because people live in different areas of the world and have different macro ratios, they lose weight more easily. ⠀
Yes, people around the world have different diets. Yes, different countries have different rates of overweight/obese inhabitants. That is not down to the types of food they eat – but the quantity.⠀⁣⠀

The quantity of the food you eat and your overall caloric intake vs your calorie expenditure is what determines your weight. Does the type of food you eat make it easier to overeat? Sure, fatty foods are more satiety so you’ll feel full quicker, but they also provide less in terms of food volume. It’s all about energy balance – and that can be achieved regardless of how your diet is made up.⠀

It is human nature to use the resources we have available, it’s how we’ve survived as a species. Do people along the Mediterranean eat a diet rich in seafood because of “fat melting healthy fats and oils”? No, they eat a lot of fish because they have a lot of fish. A culture’s typical diet is largely based on the foods they have most readily available.⠀⁣⠀
Protein is good. Carbs are good. Fats are good. Enjoy them all. Eat in a deficit and you will lose weight. Eat them in a surplus and you’ll gain weight – regardless of where you are in the world – so long as you do so consistently. ⠀

To follow a diet consistently, it has to be sustainable. If you live in a land locked country for example, getting “fresh organic fish” all year round, as prescribed by your diet, could be expensive, making the diet unsustainable. So be sensible, and stop looking for the “big secret” to weight loss and focus on the fundamentals.⠀

Forget donuts or drive-throughs. Starting your day with healthy breakfast foods can help you maintain energy, fend off hunger attacks and lose weight.

Research shows that regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and people are more successful at losing weight—and keeping it off—when they eat breakfast.

What’s more, people who eat breakfast typically get more of some important nutrients, like fiber and vitamins (learn more about why fiber is so good for your weight and your health).

A healthy breakfast should be balanced and deliver a mix of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber and healthy fat to keep you full and fueled up for your day.

Above are some of the best healthy foods to eat for breakfast to help you lose weight

Losing weight consists of losing water, glycogen, fat and even muscle during a dieting phase. Resulting in a ‘smaller’ look.

Losing fat ensures you retain your muscle (may even build some) during a cutting phase. It allows you to look more toned as a result of having more muscle mass.

Losing weight whether or not you end up looking ‘smaller’ or more ‘toned’ is still a major achievement.

Looking ‘smaller’ is a goal for many individuals, however if you want to look your best it’s important to spend some time learning about the basics of nutrition and training.

Learning about what nutrients you need and how much you should eat to achieve your goals is a crucial part of the transformation process.

In the beginning of my fitness journey I was misinformed. When I tried to lose fat, I ate too little, didn’t get enough protein and I was doing way too much cardio. What ended up happening was I lost ‘weight’ and looked ‘small’.

I’ve learned my lesson since. When I try to lose fat, I make sure I prioritize strength/resistance training and I eat much more food, as you only need to be in a moderate deficit to lose fat.