?THE 4 “MORE’S” OF LOSING BODY FAT? by @kruckfitness
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When trying to lose fat, simply doing specific things more will be very beneficial along the way. Here’s 4 things I would try to do more to make more fat loss progress.
(1) MORE INTENSITY: During a fat loss phase, the main goal in terms of lifting should be to maintain strength. You can do this by focusing more on heavy lifting for lower reps.
(2) MORE PROTEIN: Normally in a fat loss phase, you clean you me protein intake to be a little higher to ensure you maintain muscle. Aim for 1-1.2g per pound of bodyweight.
(3) MORE WATER: You need to drink plenty of water. Doing so will help aid in muscle recovery and also aid in digestion. Aim to drink 2/3 of your bodyweight (lbs) in ounces.
(4) MORE SLEEP: Sleep is vital. If you don’t sleep enough, you’re decreasing the time for your muscles to recover. Try to get 7-9 hours/night.
Which one do you need to do more? Let me know in the comments!
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