TuberculosisAccording to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented wor…

TuberculosisAccording to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented wor…

[ad_1] Tuberculosis According to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented world’s most infectious deadly killer with about 4500 lives lost per day and unfortunately, Nigeria is far worse hit by this global epidemic in Africa. Nigeria currently ranks 7th in the world and 2nd in Africa among the 30 countries with the highest burden of TB, … Read more

It is true that we may inherit gene that predispose us these diseases. Predispos…

It is true that we may inherit gene that predispose us these diseases. Predispos…

[ad_1] It is true that we may inherit gene that predispose us these diseases. Predisposition is not the same as predestined, we do not need to be rendered powerless by our family history. Yet it also depends on environmental factors, Lifestyle, Obesity  and the families tend to have similar eating and exercise habits, all these … Read more