*Know your oils*There are 3 types of Blackseed oil. 1. Hot pressed 2. Cold pr…

*Know your oils*There are 3 types of Blackseed oil.
1. Hot pressed
2. Cold pr…

[ad_1] *Know your oils* There are 3 types of Blackseed oil. 1. Hot pressed 2. Cold pressed 3. Chemically infused oil. *Hot pressed* gives you more quantity of oils because of the heat added but significantly reduces the chemical constituents that are beneficial. These type of oils are relatively cheaper in the market *Cold pressed … Read more

RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “please I have been operated on fibroid before, and no…

RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “please I have been operated on fibroid before, and no…

[ad_1] RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “please I have been operated on fibroid before, and now doctor has confirmed It again that I still have fibroid in my stomach, what Do I do because I don’t want to go for operation again” We receive a lot like this on a regular basis. This brings us back … Read more

Hijama/Cupping is a form of ancient treatment which was used by the ancient Egy…

Hijama/Cupping is a form of ancient  treatment which was used by the ancient Egy…

[ad_1] Hijama/Cupping is a form of ancient treatment which was used by the ancient Egyptians,Arabs and Chinese. Cupping stimulates life force energy through meridians in the body. Benefits of Cupping 1. Faster Pain Relief 2. Get Rid of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 3. Relief from Lung Diseases 4. Keeping the Skin Healthy 5. Relieving Digestive Problems … Read more

Hijama/Cupping Therapy. . .Hijama is an ancient bloodletting technique utilise…

Hijama/Cupping Therapy.
.Hijama is an ancient bloodletting technique utilise…

[ad_1] Hijama/Cupping Therapy. . . Hijama is an ancient bloodletting technique utilised in many parts of the Middle East, China and Europe. To be more specific this traditional technique is utilised within the Middles East off the advice given by the Greatest Prophet of Islam. Hijama traditionally has been used by many within the management of a broad range … Read more

Premium Cold pressed black seed oilThe benefits and the medicinal values of bl…

Premium Cold pressed black seed oilThe benefits and the medicinal values of bl…

[ad_1] Premium Cold pressed black seed oil The benefits and the medicinal values of black seed are known to the world since ancient times. Black seedi is a seed known for its powerful curing and healing aspects.  Due to its surprising protective and healing powers, blackseed oil is regarded as ‘Miracle Cure’. Therapeutically, it is … Read more

Asthma. . .Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation charac…

.Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation charac…

[ad_1] Asthma. . . Asthma is a clinical syndrome of chronic airway inflammation characterized by recurrent, reversible, airway obstruction. Airway inflammation causes airways to narrow in response to various stimuli According to the WHO data published in 2017 Asthma Deaths in Nigeria reached over 11 thousands. As enormous as the country is in population wise, … Read more

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers …

[ad_1] If you thought that stroke comes overnight, it’s time to think again. Sufferers experience numerous warning symptoms, but most of them fail to understand their body. Stroke is a condition in which the blood stops flowing in the brain, and cells die off. It doesn’t necessarily mean that only old people can suffer a … Read more

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

[ad_1] Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 percent of couples are clinically barren, 40% of which is due to males with spermatogenic (development of mature sperm) deficiencies. Male infertility can also be caused by a variety of injuries and abnormalities of the sperm producing organs, … Read more

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba)Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the…

[ad_1] MACA ROOT ( ISU BAKA in Yoruba) Maca root has a lot of benefit, It’s one of the 27 medicinal plant used for fertility herb by @herbsandtibb Maca In synergy with 26 other potent fertility herbs you can definitely get ready for the baby bump pictures. Maca counterbalance estrogen dominance and general hormone imbalance, … Read more

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 per…

[ad_1] Infertility is not only on the rise for women, but for men as well. About 10 percent of couples are clinically barren, 40% of which is due to males with spermatogenic (development of mature sperm) deficiencies. Male infertility can also be caused by a variety of injuries and abnormalities of the sperm producing organs, … Read more