IF we CAN why DON’T we? Think about it.Follow for more health tips and life h…

IF we CAN why DON’T we? Think about it.Follow  for more health tips and life h…

[ad_1] IF we CAN why DON’T we? Think about it. Follow @samsara_herbs for more health tips and life hacks that can help you change your life for the better. Our main goal is to help you improve your vitality, health, and energy. . . . . . . . . #ayurvedic #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #chineseherbs #herbalifenutrition … Read more

Within 3 hours of eating a meal high in saturated fat, you can see significant i…

Within 3 hours of eating a meal high in saturated fat, you can see significant i…

[ad_1] Within 3 hours of eating a meal high in saturated fat, you can see significant impairment in artery function. Even with dozens of pounds of weight loss, artery function worsens on ketogenic diet instead of getting better— which appears to be the case with low carb diets in general. Watch the video “Are Keto … Read more

We are not against consumption of animal products. However, if you feel that you…

We are not against consumption of animal products. However, if you feel that you…

[ad_1] We are not against consumption of animal products. However, if you feel that your body does not benefit from eating meat or dairy and yet you find yourself using excuses to continue to consume them, then this quote can help you look at your diet differently. Not all bodies were meant to eat only … Read more