Does a CEO run a successful company by making random executive decisions with no logic behind their actions?⠀
Absolutely not.⠀
The same concept applies to your workouts…⠀
✔️ Here are a few benchmarks to consider when it comes to your time in the gym:?⠀
✅ Workouts Have Structure & Progression: Your workouts should relate in some way & allow you to improve a specific measure over time. You’re body needs a reason to change. If you are doing squats, over time you need to be getting stronger & more efficient at squatting. That will help you to build more muscle, get stronger, and additionally burn more calories.⠀
✅ Manage Fatigue: Your program should be planned in a way that allows you to progress without injuring yourself, or burning out physically or mentally. Taking rest days, and even a lower-intensity week can help you to better recover, and therefore train harder, stay healthy, and get stronger.⠀
❌ Muscle Confusion & Random Program Hopping: All too often I see people justify their lack of structure by claiming ‘muscle confusion’, which is the idea that you need to constantly change your workouts to ‘trick your body”.⠀
While I’m all for variation, you still need a basic foundation that you can progress over time. If you find yourself jumping from a powerlifting routine one week to a kettlebell circuit the next and then to a bodyweight program the week after that, you won’t give your body enough time to reap the benefits of any of those styles of training.⠀
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