Good Mood Foods‼ TAG-SAVE-SHARE with someone that needs a lift
Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE
1) Blueberries – are a favourite antioxidant-containing food for many reasons. One of which is because they help make your brain happy.
2) Avocado are rich in B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6. And they’re a rich source of folate. One avocado provides around one-third of your daily folate needs. And when it comes to magnesium, one avocado provides around 15% of your daily needs ?
3) Walnuts have many brain-protective compounds, such as vitamin E, folate, antioxidant polyphenols. They also contain omega-3 fats, which have been shown to improve mood.
4) Lion’s Mane Mushrooms have the remarkable ability to synthesise the peptide “nerve growth factor”, NGF. NGF is necessary for the growth and survival of brain neurons, and it contributes to mood improvement?
5) Green Tea, One type of green tea, matcha, is a particularly rich source of the amino acid L-theanine, which can help you to relax and maintain a calm demeanor.
6) Brazil Nuts, Low dietary selenium has been shown to increase the risk of depressive disorders. And researchers suggest that selenium-rich foods could be beneficial for primary prevention.
7) Probiotics are the “good bacteria” in your gut. They produce serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. No wonder probiotics have been shown to improve depression.
8) Dark Leafy Greens, The term “folic” comes from the Latin word folium, which means leaf. Because dark, leafy green vegetables are one of the best places to find folate! They’re also rich in magnesium, which can help reduce anxiety and depression.
I’d also like to recommend the seeds hemp, chia and pumpkin, due to their rich profile of macro & micronutrients such as Tryptophan (precursor to serotonin), Magnesium (aids over 300 bodily functions) and much more! ?
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