“Diseases autoimmune” or “autoimmune diseases”, whichever way you normally call them, are not usually that easy to diagnose. The symptoms vary from person to person and each disease is different. Many parts of the body are usually involved such as the red blood cells, blood vessels, connective tissues, digestive system, endocrine system, muscles, joints, nerves and skin.
What is autoimmune disease? Our immune systems are designed to protect us against disease, germs, abnormal cells, bacteria and viruses, and keep us healthy but sometimes, as is the case in autoimmune diseases, our own immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys its own tissues and organs.
There are different types of autoimmune diseases but the common factor with all of them is that the immune system is malfunctioning and causing harm rather than protecting our bodies.
Some of the autoimmune diseases are;
1. Lupus
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis
3. Scleroderma
4. Sjogren’s syndrome
5. Guillain-Barre Syndrome
6. Goodpasture’s Syndrome
7. Wegener’s Granulomatosis
8. Polymyalgia Rheumatica
9. Multiple Sclerosis
10. Type 1 Diabetes
11. Addison’s Disease
12. Crohn’s Disease
13. Celiac Disease
14. Grave’s Disease
15. Autoimmune Hepatitis
16. Dermatomyositis
17. Pernicious anemia , and others.
With this quantity of different diseases that fall under this category of disease it is no wonder that it can be difficult to diagnose and treat effectively.
The exact cause of these diseases is unknown but there are many factors believed to contribute such as;
1. Stress and Anxiety
2. Viruses
3. Heredity or Genetics
4. Environmental Toxins
5. Pregnancy
6. Poor Diet
7. Lack of Exercise
8. Lack of Sleep
9. Alcohol abuse
10. Tobacco use, and there are others.
Some of the common symptoms of this disease are;
1. Fatigue
2. Weight Changes
3. Extreme sensitivity in the hands and feet to cold
4. Inflammation
5. Malaise
6. Fever
7. Stiffness and weakness in the muscles and joints
8. High or low blood pressure
9. Gastorintestinal or digestive problems
10. Anxiety, depression or irritability
11. Frequent infections
12. Swollen lymph nodes / glands
13. Heart Palpitations
14. Hair Loss
15. Dry Mouth
16. Abdominal pain, cramps or tenderness
17. Problems with memory and concentration
18. Swelling – usually of the face, legs, ankles and eyes
There are no known cures for autoimmune diseases so the object of treatment is to deal with the symptoms and allow the person with the disease to live a better quality of life. So, basically, the treatment will depend on the symptoms the person is experiencing.
The key in dealing with autoimmune disease is to balance the immune system and there are many supplements that can help in this area.
Here are some natural remedies used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases;
1. Colostrum – Colostrum accelerates healing of all body tissue, helps normalize weight and increases bone and lean muscle mass.
2. Alkalizing Products – autoimmune diseases tend to like acidic environments so getting your body’s pH in balance is helpful. There are many alkalizing foods as well that can aid in this process.
3. Probiotics – Probiotics are dietary supplements consisting of beneficial microorganisms such as acidophilus and bifidus. They help to balance the bacteria in the digestive system.
4. Digestive Enzymes – Our food supply these days lacks the nutrients and enzymes that it used to contain, that aided in the digestion of our food, so a supplement of digestive enzymes can be very beneficial.
5. Cod Liver Oil – Fish oil is a potent inflammation fighter and immune system rejuvenator.
6. Colloidal Silver – Colloidal silver is significant for autoimmune conditions as it helps to clear up many bacterial and viral strains that may be having an effect on your immune system.
7. Alpha Lipoic Acid – this is a potent immune regulator as well as a powerful antioxidant. It helps also in detoxifying the body.
8. Diet – eat a diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Include also fish and poultry as well as whole grains.
9. Exercise – regular exercise has many benefits for our bodies.
10. Vitamin D – Spend time in the natural sunlight because exposure to sunlight is good for immune system health. Be sure not to overdo this and get yourself sunburnt.
11. Stress Reduction – do whatever you can to reduce the stress level in your life.
There are many other natural remedies to aid in dealing with the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.