CHOLESTEROLcholesterol is a waxy substance that’s found in the fat (lipids) i…

CHOLESTEROLcholesterol is a waxy substance that’s found in the  fat (lipids) i…

[ad_1] CHOLESTEROL cholesterol is a waxy substance that’s found in the fat (lipids) in your blood. While your body needs cholesterol to continue building healthy cells, having high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. There are known medicinal plants known to be potent to reduce/eliminate high cholesterol. Call/WhatsApp @herbsandtibb or DM #herbsandtibb #medicinalplants … Read more

DO YOU DRINK ENOUGH WATER? Please follow for more great content!! by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀…

Please follow  for more great content!! by

[ad_1] DO YOU DRINK ENOUGH WATER? Please follow @bodybuilding.tricks for more great content!!?? by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So for the most part this is pretty individualized but there are a few recommendations. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The water you drink or should be accounted for as separate from any other fluids you may consume during your day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The … Read more

EAT THE RAINBOW . . . . . …


[ad_1] EAT THE RAINBOW ??????? . . . . . #veganhealth #whatveganseats #veganfoodshare #fueledbyplants #vegansoftheworld #veganmemes #veganhealthy #fruitlovers #ahealthofknowledge #veganlife #veganlifestyle #veganfortheanimals #crueltyfree #fruits #veganfood #healthiswealth #vegancommunity #veganrecipes #savetheplanet #veganfacts #plantbasediet #fruitandveg #eattherainbow #plantbased [ad_2] Source

What is PCOS?  Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS for short) is the most common h…

What is PCOS?  Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS for short) is the most common h…

[ad_1] What is PCOS?  Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS for short) is the most common hormonal endocrine disorders in women. Most women with PCOS (but not all) grow many small cysts on their ovaries. These cysts aren’t typically harmful and will mainly cause hormone imbalances (unless they burst, which is very serious unless treated immediately.) In addition to … Read more

Double tap if you like what you see • • Tag a friend who needs to see this • • P…

Double tap if you like what you see
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[ad_1] Double tap❤️ if you like what you see❗️ • • Tag a friend who needs to see this? • • Please follow @bodybuilding.tricks for more great content!!?? #healthyfood #instahealth #determination #gymlife #muscle #nutrition #foodporn #foodie #body #like #weightloss #happy #fashion #sport #instafit #life #abs #vegan #follow #gymmotivation #inspiration #instafood #fitnessjourney #yummy #gains #healthyeating #model … Read more

LUTEIN.Lutein is an antioxidant found in green veg and some other foods. Altho…

LUTEIN.Lutein is an antioxidant found in green veg and some other foods. Altho…

[ad_1] LUTEIN. Lutein is an antioxidant found in green veg and some other foods. Although not very well known to most, it is very valuable for health for several reasons – but especially for the eyes. It leads to increased pigmentation in the eye and has been found to concentrate particularly in the retina and the lens, … Read more