? What You Didn’t Know About Planks? (By @dancudes)
Follow @KshamicaMD for MOREEEE
Planks are easily one of my go to core exercises! When done properly, and I stress proper form because most people do planks wrong, they can really develop a strong core which is so important for function! It also has a nice benefit to your shoulders, your forearms, your triceps and your chest all of which have to counter gravity, along with your core, to keep you up and flat! Keep your back flat, squeeze your butt, activate your core and hold for as long as you can with perfect form for 3 sets and just watch what happens! TIP: take a look for @finnbalor ab workout on YouTube where he describes a great method to really activate your core during the plank and it involves pulling your elbows in (not really moving them but initiating the movement) towards your toes and the difference is incredible! Watch the video because ain’t no way I can describe it here without sounding like an idiot! Do some planks at the end of your workouts and see the amazing results.
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