Weight Loss Vs. Weight Gain

Weight Loss Vs. Weight Gain
Here’s 2 oatmeal bowls that each benefit different goals or just different preference of when | how you like to consume your caloric intake?? These 2 bowls are not inherently suited for either weight loss or weight gain, and there is nothing magical about the ingredients in either:) It really comes down to overall daily intake :). This is just an example to show the difference in caloric density 🙂


2/3 cups oats (60g)
1 1/3 cups of unsweetened almond milk (315g)
Stevia (0cal sweetener)
1 Apple + 100g of frozen strwberries
Calories: 370
66C 10P 8F

1 1/3 cups oats (100g)
1 1/3 cups unsweetened almond milk (315g)
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 banana+ 2tbsp peanut butter
Calories: 800
120C 26F 23P

These are just random bowls I made to make a point about caloric density, just to show how u can tweak the calories and macros in a meal without making it bigger or smaller, but just by changing the ingredients a little.