The liver is one of the most important body organs, as it performs vital functions. This organ is responsible, among other things, for detoxification, regulation of metabolism, blood purification, synthesis of plasma proteins as well as absorption and storage of vitamins. Many factors and habits can affect liver health and therefore also general health. It is therefore important to pay attention to all signs so that no serious illness is caused and that a liver detoxification is performed on a regular basis.
Beet root and Ginger.
This juice cleans the liver and detoxifies the body. It also strengthens the lymphatic system. There are no side effects, so this juice can be drunk daily.
Green Tea
Is very popular worldwide due to its numerous health-promoting properties. It contains catechins, which are herbal antioxidants ,as has been noted in various studies – have the ability to excrete fatty accumulations in the liver and to promote a correct liver function.
Drink A Lot of Water.
Drink enough, because this can help to detoxify the liver. Because if there is sufficient fluid in the body, the toxins can be transported faster to the liver and the body better purified. Therefore, you should take at least two litres of liquid every day. Preferably water or herbal teas. .
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