The Issue of therapeutic dosages in herbal medicine has often generated a lot of controversy.
The conventional medicine would want to compare the working principle of herbs with those of the synthetic drugs. Dosages in herbal medicine are rather flexible and are given according to
1.Weight,Height and age of the patient
2.The acuteness or severity of the disease For age between 2-15years there are dilution of doses 1:4,1:3,2:3 depending on the age range, and age 16 and above get a full dosage.
1 teaspoon is equavalent to 3grms and 1tea cup of Infusion/Decoctions
Time of Oral Administration in herbal medicine are determined by the purpose for which the herbs are being administered for their therapeutic effects. Some are best taken on empty stomach, some During meal and those that are to be taken after meal are good for the respiratory Diseases where expectorant and demulcent herbs are indicated.
You can always count on us @herbsandtibb we are qualified phytotherapist with a certification from Lagos State Board.
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