In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tube…

In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tube…

[ad_1] In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tubes are cut or blocked. Fertilization happens in the fallopian tube, so a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy by keeping the sperm and egg from meeting. Some women who have had a tubal ligation might choose to have it reversed. A tubal ligation … Read more

HEPATITIS B This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the …

This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the …

[ad_1] HEPATITIS B This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the liver. If you left hepatitis B untreated, then it can become chronic which will lead to permanent scarring or failure of the liver function. There are many cases when hepatitis B leads to major liver dysfunctions such as liver … Read more

RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “Please I have been operated on fibroid before, and no…

RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “Please I have been operated on fibroid before, and no…

[ad_1] RISKS OF FIBROID SURGERY. “Please I have been operated on fibroid before, and now doctor has confirmed It again that I still have fibroid in my stomach, what Do I do because I don’t want to go for operation again” We receive a lot like this on a regular basis. This brings us back … Read more

How much are your hormones affecting your life? The hormone system is a delicate…

How much are your hormones affecting your life? The hormone system is a delicate…

[ad_1] How much are your hormones affecting your life? The hormone system is a delicate one. When it is off, you can go from a strong-willed woman to a weeping mess in seconds — but why? Hormone imbalance is the culprit behind many chronic diseases, as well. Women are more vulnerable to hormonal imbalance and it affects … Read more