In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tube…

In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tube…

[ad_1] In a tubal ligation, also known as “having your tubes tied,” your fallopian tubes are cut or blocked. Fertilization happens in the fallopian tube, so a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy by keeping the sperm and egg from meeting. Some women who have had a tubal ligation might choose to have it reversed. A tubal ligation … Read more

HEPATITIS B This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the …

This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the …

[ad_1] HEPATITIS B This is a type of virus which is causing serious infections in the liver. If you left hepatitis B untreated, then it can become chronic which will lead to permanent scarring or failure of the liver function. There are many cases when hepatitis B leads to major liver dysfunctions such as liver … Read more

Prolactin.Prolactin is the hormone responsible for stimulating breast milk pro…

Prolactin.Prolactin is the hormone responsible for stimulating breast milk pro…

[ad_1] Prolactin. Prolactin is the hormone responsible for stimulating breast milk production in nursing mothers as well as development of breast in all women. High level of prolactin (Hyperprolactinemia) is an endocrine disorder that causes the body to produce higher than normal levels of prolactin. In the absence of pregnancy high level of prolactin may … Read more

TuberculosisAccording to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented wor…

TuberculosisAccording to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented wor…

[ad_1] Tuberculosis According to WHO, Tuberculosis happens to be the unprecedented world’s most infectious deadly killer with about 4500 lives lost per day and unfortunately, Nigeria is far worse hit by this global epidemic in Africa. Nigeria currently ranks 7th in the world and 2nd in Africa among the 30 countries with the highest burden of TB, … Read more

Hepatitis:Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The condition can be self…

Hepatitis:Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The condition can be self…

[ad_1] Hepatitis: Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. The condition can be self-limiting or can progress to fibrosis (scarring), cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis in the world but other infections, toxic substances (e.g. alcohol, certain drugs), and autoimmune diseases can also cause hepatitis. There are 5 … Read more

There seems to be an epidemic of women suffering from Ovarian cyst, 70%+ of wome…

There seems to be an epidemic of women suffering from Ovarian cyst, 70%+ of wome…

[ad_1] There seems to be an epidemic of women suffering from Ovarian cyst, 70%+ of women that walk into my office has an ovarian Cyst and some sort of Pelvic inflammatory diseases. I’d be talking on The Ovarian Cyst. A cyst is a general term for a fluid-filled sac structure. Cyst happens in the ovary … Read more

Trace Elements They are required in very small amounts, they are vital for main…

Trace Elements
They are required in very small amounts, they are vital for main…

[ad_1] Trace Elements They are required in very small amounts, they are vital for maintaining health. these trace elements are part of enzymes, hormones and cells in the body. Fourteen mineral and trace elements were determined in the herbs and their medical purposes such as chamomile, fennel, linden, nettle (Urtica dioical) Called #Esinsin in yoruba, … Read more

Your colon is one of the most important organs in your digestive system and if i…

Your colon is one of the most important organs in your digestive system and if i…

[ad_1] Your colon is one of the most important organs in your digestive system and if it isn’t working properly you could experience a number of medical issues. Colon is responsible for removing any remaining food in the body, Once all the nutrients have been absorbed the body depends on the colon to help regulate … Read more

Hormonal imbalance affects every part of your life, but there’s Hope. . . . . . …

Hormonal imbalance affects every part of your life, but there’s Hope.
. …

[ad_1] Hormonal imbalance affects every part of your life, but there’s Hope. . . . . . With herbal remedies from @herbsandtibb you can balance your hormones and feel better. #herbsandtibb #herbsandhealth #hormoneimbalance #hormonebalance #lagos #lagosnigeria #lasgidi #naija #abuja #abj #instablog #joroolumofin #bellanaijaweddings #lindaikeji #realnaijahustlers #naijahealth #lagoshealth #healthng #naijabrandchic [ad_2] Source

When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlook…

When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlook…

[ad_1] When it comes to preventing and treating high blood pressure, one often overlooked strategy is stress management. Here are some few tips you can use to reduce stress level Get enough sleep – Inadequate or poor-quality sleep can negatively affect your mood, mental alertness, energy level, and physical health. Strengthen your social network – … Read more