Relieve hard-to-release back tension by unlocking your QL muscles

Relieve hard-to-release back tension by unlocking your QL muscles

Ever noticed a lingering ache deep in your low back after prolonged sitting or standing? When your back muscles are weak or you have poor posture, intrinsic rectangular muscles between your ribs and hips called the quadratus lumborums, or QLs, work overtime to stabilize your spine and pelvis, leaving them tight and sore. These deep muscles are also near critical organs like the kidneys and colon, which means that in addition to contributing to an achy back they can adversely affect your digestive health, and therefore energy and well-being, according to some alternative health practitioners.

Your QLs get tight and tender when they have to kick in and compensate for poor posture. And often soreness is one-sided, due, say, to carrying a small child on one side or side-sleeping with your top hip hiked up every night. Leg-length discrepancies are also a common cause of QL tension—most people have a slight variance in leg length, and around 2o percent of people have a clinically significant (greater than 2 cm) difference

So we want our muscles to get bigger, right? (Sure, some of you don’t but this is still good info to have)

In order to make them bigger, knowing what they are actually made of is super important. Im not talking about the cell structures here, I mean the real basic building blocks. I’ll save the more specific stuff for another post ?

Water makes up 75% of lean muscle tissue. Makes sense because water is the majority of the rest of our body too. So maybe getting that 3-4 litres in a day isn’t such a bad idea after all ?

After that we have protein. 18 % is very significant. You’ve got to make sure you’re getting enough in your diet to satisfy the cellular demands

Rounding out the rest, we have fat, vitamins, minerals and some carbs, which all play their part in maintaining healthy muscle tissue.