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Here are some tips to make sure a plant-based diet provides you with plenty of iron. People who might need to pay attention to their iron include those who experience loss of iron through blood or sweat including females, endurance athletes, people who donate red blood cells or those who experience regular bleeding.⁣⠀
Eat plenty of plant sources of iron. Start at breakfast and have whole grains like oats or whole grain bread. At lunch and dinner, get in some tofu or legumes, and have your greens and a side of whole grains like brown rice, quinoa or something fancy like Freekeh or Barley. Adding seeds like pumpkin seeds to your meals will also pack an iron-rich punch. Add them to smoothies, put them on toast or add them to a salad, stir fry or anything really?! Who doesn’t like a bit of seed crunch?!⁣⠀
Vitamin C boosts the absorption of iron! Having some kind of fruit like an orange, kiwi fruit or strawberries with your meal. OR include vitamin C in your meal like having some tomato, kale, broccoli or capsicum. ⁣⠀
AVOID having coffee and Tea with meals. Due to components are known as polyphenols and phytates that interfere with Iron absorption. Try to separate tea and coffee from meals by about an hour (MOST OF THE TIME). It is ok to go out for breakfast on the weekend and enjoy a coffee with your meal, but most of the time try to keep tea and coffee separate from meals.⁣⠀
It is good to get your iron checked regularly if you think you might be low, I recommend at least once a year and if you are low… your doctor can recommend you a supplement to get your iron levels back on track!⁣⠀
Iron doesn’t have to come from animals.⁣⠀
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