is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It’s caused by infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeal. It is one of the most common reported STI in Nigeria.
Are you aware of the antibiotic-resistance this bacteria has been building against recommended conventional treatment?
Symptoms/Signs of Gonorrhea in Men
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the penis
Burning when urinating
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Painful or swollen testicles
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex)
Men may not develop noticeable symptoms for several weeks. Some men may never develop symptoms.
Men may not develop noticeable symptoms for several weeks. Some men may never develop symptoms.
Symptoms/Signs of Gonorrhea in Women
Gonorrhea infections can appear much like common vaginal yeast or bacterial infections,
In some women, symptoms are so mild that they go unnoticed
Greenish yellow or whitish discharge from the vagina
Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
Burning when urinating
Conjunctivitis(red, itchy eyes)
Bleeding between periods
Spotting after intercourse
Swelling of the vulva (vulvitis)
Burning in the throat (due to oral sex)
Swollen glands in the throat (due to oral sex) Painful sexual intercourse
The Good news is there is a herbal remedy to cure gonorrhea.
Call/Whatsapp @herbsandtibb via the link in bio a Certified herbal practitioner from Lagos State Traditional Medicine Board.
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