Beware of These Foods
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Post by: @onehealthynation
In a recent study, 92% of participants had addictive-like eating behavior towards certain foods. 7-10% had full-blown food addiction.
Not surprisingly, most of the foods rated as addictive were processed foods. These foods were usually high in sugar, fat or both. The least addictive foods were almost all whole, unprocessed foods.
Processed foods are usually engineered to be “hyperpalatable” – so they taste super good
The brain has a reward center, which lights up and starts secreting dopamine and other feel-good chemicals when we eat.
This reward center explains why most of us “enjoy” eating. It makes sure that we eat enough food to get all the energy and nutrients that we need.
Eating processed junk food releases massive amounts of feel-good chemicals, compared to unprocessed foods. This yields a much more powerful “reward” in the brain.
Your brain then seeks more reward by causing cravings for these hyper-rewarding foods. This can possibly lead to a vicious cycle, called addictive-like eating behavior or food addiction
This is yet another reason to base your diet mostly on eating whole, single-ingredient foods.
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