Life is a constant cycle that requires consistency. One decision after another. …

[ad_1] Life is a constant cycle that requires consistency. One decision after another. The multitude of decisions create your reality! You can start to transform your life by taking a closer look at your decisions! Like the image shows, not one donut will make you fat or one salad will make you fit. It is … Read more

Raw, organic pumpkin seeds have been used historically to treat a variety of ail…

[ad_1] Raw, organic pumpkin seeds have been used historically to treat a variety of ailments. In recent times, herbalists discovered that seeds from pumpkins also work as an effective deworming agent against tapeworms and other intestinal parasites in humans. Besides containing proteins, amino acids, fiber, iron, copper, phosphorus and magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium, pumpkin … Read more