Home and natural remedies for asthma – Medical News Today

Alongside medication and a proper treatment plan, home remedies can help in keeping asthma symptoms under control.
Asthma is a condition that causes inflammation in the airways in the lungs. The resulting swelling and narrowing of the airways make it harder to breathe, as do the increased levels of mucus and tightening muscles around the airways.
People with asthma, of whom there are more than 24 million in the United States, may sometimes need to go to the hospital or stay home from work. In some cases, the condition can be fatal.
Home remedies and treatments can often help individuals with asthma manage their day-to-day symptoms. However, a person should only use these to assist their medical treatment plan, not to replace it.
In this article, we detail a range of home remedies for asthma symptoms, from yoga to self-care phone apps.
Some studies suggest that regular breathing exercises can help reduce asthma symptoms and improve the overall quality of life of people with the condition.
Knowledge of breathing exercises that reduce hyperventilation may also be useful during an asthma attack if a person does not have their inhaler to hand.
However, research in the area is inconclusive. A 2020 review found that breathing exercises probably do not help alleviate asthma symptoms. Further studies are necessary to confirm the effectiveness of breathing practices in reducing the symptoms of asthma.
Common breathing techniques to use during an asthma attack include the Buteyko method and the Papworth method.
Stress and other intense emotions, such as anger, can sometimes bring on asthma attacks. Techniques to help people lower their stress levels may be useful home remedies for asthma.
A person may find these helpful to try alongside breathing exercises if they do not have access to an inhaler during an asthma attack.
Techniques that people may find beneficial include:
One of the most effective home remedies for asthma is determining and eliminating triggers of asthma attacks. While these may vary from person to person, some common triggers include:
Moreover, in some people with asthma, exercise can worsen their symptoms, particularly if they are physically active in cold weather. However, with the help of effective treatment and management, they can usually exercise without experiencing any symptoms.
Learn more about exercise-induced asthma here.
Once a person knows what their asthma triggers are, they can take action to avoid them. This may include:
Some people may find that various herbal remedies and supplements help in alleviating asthma symptoms.
However, it is important to note that people should use herbal remedies and supplements to support clinical treatments, not as a replacement.
Some people may benefit from vitamin D supplementation, according to reviews. However, there is no consensus on the benefits of vitamin D in treating asthma, and research is ongoing.
Similarly, a 2018 study reports that some Chinese herbal medicine formulas can help reduce symptoms in people with acute asthma. These findings, however, have not been replicated in further controlled studies.
People should discuss all aspects of managing their asthma with a healthcare professional and use caution when considering home remedies for the condition. Just because a treatment is popular does not mean that it is safe or effective.
For example, some herbal remedies can have a negative effect on asthma symptoms.
St. John’s wort can reduce the effectiveness of theophylline, a relief treatment that doctors often prescribe to people with asthma. This in turn may cause a person’s asthma symptoms to worsen.
Some unregulated products containing Butterbur can also produce serious side effects, such as liver damage.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the following can help people manage their asthma:
Research indicates that practicing yoga can be an effective home remedy for asthma. Data show that the participants with asthma who practiced asana, or physical yoga poses, and meditation had:
Technology can help people manage their asthma, and several apps are available for this purpose.
Researchers have found that some apps could help people change their behavior and take the necessary steps to manage their asthma. Apps can also help individuals take their medications consistently and appropriately.
Asthma is a chronic condition, which means that there is no cure. However, people can often manage the condition with a combination of daily and rescue medications.
Moreover, self-care is important for people with asthma. Individual responsibility and action are essential for the prevention of asthma attacks.
In combination with a medically sound asthma action plan, home remedies for asthma can be very helpful and play an important role in keeping the condition under control.
Asthma is a serious chronic health condition that affects millions of people in the U.S. While there is no cure, people can manage it with consistent medical care.
Several home remedies and lifestyle changes can help people manage the condition when practiced alongside their prescribed treatment plan.
These remedies include regular breathing and stress-reduction exercises, as well as lifestyle changes to avoid triggers.
Read this article in Spanish.
Last medically reviewed on October 5, 2021
15 sourcescollapsed
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