Here’s how to manage the fear, worry, and nervousness that come with anxiety; image credit: iStock
Are you anxious, worried, or freaked? Is your heart beating fast, your breathing is shallow and rapid, your mind is imagining doom, and you wish you could just relax…in the moment! Well, even the slightest of anxiety can be debilitating depending on how it manifests in your life. Some anxious thoughts or feelings, come and go as a normal part of the ups and downs of life. Still, you can manage these feelings better with some home remedies for anxiety. While prescription medication may work for some, others may be looking for natural remedies to curb anxiety and stress. Managing anxiety, stress, and even depression are all about finding ways to self-soothe at the moment. These natural remedies for anxiety may be your ticket to finding some solace in your stress turmoil.
Try to stick to an exercise routine or activity you enjoy doing, such as walking, dancing, rock climbing, or yoga that will help relieve stress, worry, and anxiety. Regular exercise lowers the level of stress hormones and also helps release endorphins, which are chemicals that improve your mood and act as natural painkillers. Regular exercise is also shown to improve feelings of confidence and mood, which in turn promotes mental wellbeing.
Spending some time soaking in the Sun can do your body good and raise serotonin levels. Serotonin is a mood-enhancing hormone that can make you feel calmer and more focused. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it also advances your physical well-being, and contributes to lowering blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the release of stress hormones.
Meditation as a mindfulness practice has been followed for centuries to reduce the inflammation response stress causes. With a smartphone having mental health apps, mediation is now at your fingertips. These apps can provide specific guided meditations to tackle stress anxiety.
To start with, sit straight with your hands in front of you. Place the tips of the fingers of your left hand to the corresponding tips of the fingers of your right hand. Take 5-7 slow, deep belly breaths while pressing the fingertips against each other. Shake out your hands and relax them to your sides or your lap and take one last slow, deep breath.
Journaling is a helpful tool to improve mental health. If you’re struggling with negative or overwhelming thoughts, one technique to help relieve the tension and stress is to write all the negative thoughts down on paper, then tear up the paper and throw it away or burn it. This symbolically helps your mind understand that these thoughts are no longer needed. Some people who face chronic anxiety, have found that doodling or using coloring books helps them get the creative juices flowing and lets their minds take a break.
If you suffer from chronic panic attacks or anxiety, you can start practicing a grounding technique called “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” that helps you get back in touch with the reality around you. To begin with, look for five things you can see around you. Then, observe four things you can touch around you; listen to three things you can hear around you; find two things you can smell around you and finally, think of one thing you can taste.
Getting in touch with your breath can be a strong grounding technique. Take deep belly breaths or practice box breathing and repeat until your body starts to become calmer. When you are anxious, you tend to take rapid, shallow breaths that come directly from the chest, but chest breathing doesn’t properly oxygenate the blood and may result in increased heart rate, dizziness, muscle tension, and anxiety. Instead, practice, deep abdominal breathing that increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and promotes a feeling of calmness. Deep breathing helps to activate the body’s relaxation response and reduces anxiety and stress.
Anxiety disorders are relatively common these days, but that doesn’t mean you need to suffer in silence. Alter your daily routine and see what habits leave you feeling more chill and in control. Always seek help from a medical professional for better guidance.
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