Swipe Milk does a body…NOT GOOD! So they used athletes, celebrities and singe…

Milk does a body…NOT GOOD! So they used athletes, celebrities and singe…

[ad_1] Swipe ➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️ Milk does a body…NOT GOOD! So they used athletes, celebrities and singers to make it cool to drink the milk. But why do they want us drinking it? ? . . . . Follow @vicenteasherbs for more awakening health content. . . . . . . . . . . . . … Read more

The body will always thrive with proper minerals. Minerals is the name of the g…

The body will always thrive with proper minerals.  Minerals is the name of the g…

[ad_1] The body will always thrive with proper minerals. Minerals is the name of the game folks. Be on the lookout for a mineral product coming soon. In the meantime please feel free to follow @vicenteasherbs for more ancient wisdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … Read more

It is truly annoying to see that now almost all products on the market contain s…

It is truly annoying to see that now almost all products on the market contain s…

[ad_1] It is truly annoying to see that now almost all products on the market contain some form of soy. Soy is not alkaline and it eats up the iron in your body. You want to get into the habit of reading the ingredients of the products you consume. Soy lowers testosterone levels in men … Read more

Did you know that food has it’s own vibration? Junk food and processed foods si…

Did you know that food has it’s own vibration?  Junk food and processed foods si…

[ad_1] Did you know that food has it’s own vibration? Junk food and processed foods simply have a low vibration while healthy food like fruits and vegetables have a higher vibration. You want to become aware at the way you feel after a meal. If you feel tired and with low energy after a meal … Read more

Health is the name of the game. Anything else is just a distraction. Remember …

Health is the name of the game.  Anything else is just a distraction.  Remember …

[ad_1] Health is the name of the game. Anything else is just a distraction. Remember that only 100 years ago most families farmed their own food and the foods that exist today did not exists back then. We want to eat to live. Follow us @vicenteasherbs for more ancient wisdom. #sodas #artificialflavors #healthytips #healthmatters #holistichealth … Read more

Flu season? Don’t believe the hype. Fu season is just an idea that has been pr…

Flu season?  Don’t believe the hype.  Fu season is just an idea that has been pr…

[ad_1] Flu season? Don’t believe the hype. Fu season is just an idea that has been programmed to us the pharmaceutical companies that want us to buy their flu medicine. But, did you know that elderberry is awesome if you ever do get the flu? It helps you get rid of mucus fast. So many … Read more

Humpday! . . . . . . #pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #…

#pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #…

[ad_1] Humpday! . . . . . . #pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #health #healthy #healthyliving #doctor #vegetarian #vegan #herbalmedicine #fasting #intermittentfasting #excercise #fitness #holistic #healing #plantbased #disease #organic #veganlifestyle #cancer #heartdisease #veganlife #medicinalherbs #detox #meditation #loseweightfast [ad_2] Source

There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire ci…

There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire ci…

[ad_1] There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire city for a week. We are powerful indeed. Is it any wonder then why all this junk food has been made available? Junk food robs us of our potential. It weakens our electrical body and weakens our brain’s ability … Read more

Humpday! . . . . . . #pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #…

#pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #…

[ad_1] Humpday! . . . . . . #pharmaceuticals #yoga #herbs #teas #ancientwisdom #truth #health #healthy #healthyliving #doctor #vegetarian #vegan #herbalmedicine #fasting #intermittentfasting #excercise #fitness #holistic #healing #plantbased #disease #organic #veganlifestyle #cancer #heartdisease #veganlife #medicinalherbs #detox #meditation #loseweightfast [ad_2] Source

There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire ci…

There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire ci…

[ad_1] There is enough electrical energy inside of you to be able to power an entire city for a week. We are powerful indeed. Is it any wonder then why all this junk food has been made available? Junk food robs us of our potential. It weakens our electrical body and weakens our brain’s ability … Read more