Common menstrual problems and how to manage them – Medical News Today

Periods do not always cause problems. But if they are consistently very heavy or painful, or if they regularly cause severe mood changes, it can significantly disrupt a person’s life. Irregular or absent periods may also cause difficulty getting pregnant.
Menstrual problems, such as painful, heavy, or irregular periods and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are common — but effective treatment and management techniques can reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life.
This article explores some of the most common menstrual problems, including their causes and treatments.
Some of the most common menstrual problems are:
Also, people with other health conditions may find that symptoms of these get worse before their periods. This is known as premenstrual symptom exacerbation.
Many people with periods experience some degree of menstrual cramping, or dysmenorrhea. Mild-to-moderate cramps that result directly from menstruation are usually not a cause for concern, but they can still be disruptive. Severe cramps can be debilitating.
Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication and home management techniques can often ease the symptoms, but severe dysmenorrhea may not respond to these approaches.

If the pain is “primary,” it is a direct result of menstruation. “Secondary” dysmenorrhea results from another health condition or cause.
Some factors associated with primary dysmenorrhea include:
Some causes of secondary dysmenorrhea include:
Mild or moderate cramps often respond to OTC pain medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin).
Learn more about period pain here.
The medical term for this is menorrhagia, and it involves a flow of period blood that lasts longer than 8 days. Or, it involves a flow that requires a new pad or tampon every 1–2 hours or more often.
Occasional heavy periods are usually not a sign of an underlying health issue, but persistent heavy periods can be. Some conditions and circumstances that may cause heavy periods include:
Blood-thinning medications and copper IUDs can also cause heavy periods as a side effect.
Severe bleeding during periods can result in anemia, which develops when the body does not have enough iron.
Learn more about heavy menstrual bleeding, including symptoms and treatment options.
Generally, an irregular period involves a menstrual cycle lasting longer than 35 days. An absent period involves not having a period for 3 months in a row.
Some irregularity from time to time is common, particularly during puberty, after childbirth, while breastfeeding, and during perimenopause. Other factors that may cause irregularity include:
However, some mental and physical health problems also can cause irregular or absent periods, including:
Learn more about irregular and absent periods, including complications and treatment options.
Around 90% of people who menstruate report experiencing PMS. This is a combination of physical and emotional symptoms that occur before a period. Usually, they go away soon after a period starts.
The symptoms of PMS are varied and can include:
The exact cause of PMS is unknown, but it may result from hormone fluctuations. A person’s estrogen and progesterone levels drop significantly after ovulation if they are not pregnant. Decreased estrogen may affect serotonin levels, leading to mood, appetite, and sleep changes.
Factors that are associated with PMS include:
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe form of PMS that affects fewer than 5% of people who menstruate. If mood changes before a period are dramatic, this may stem from PMDD rather than PMS.
Learn more about PMDD here.
If a person has experienced any of the following, they should speak with a doctor:
Speak to a doctor promptly if vaginal bleeding or period-like pain occurs throughout the month or after sex. This could be a sign of an underlying condition.
There are a number of treatments for problems with periods. Depending on the issue, treatment may involve:
If a doctor finds that another health condition, such as fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis, is likely causing the menstrual problems, they will recommend treatment, which may involve taking medications or having a surgical procedure.
When period irregularity or absence stems from weight loss or an eating disorder, people require mental and physical health support. This may involve talk therapy, support groups, and speaking with a dietitian to understand the body’s nutritional needs.
At home, people can take several steps to ease or prevent symptoms of period problems. These include:
Having regular periods can mean that the reproductive system is functioning as it should. If menstruation comes with severe pain, heavy bleeding, or mood changes, a healthcare professional should investigate the possible causes and provide treatments.

Even when these symptoms are mild or moderate, there are ways to manage them and reduce their impact.
Last medically reviewed on October 25, 2021
8 sourcescollapsed
Severe or unusual symptoms during a period can be a cause for concern. Here, learn when to seek professional care and which treatments may help.
A range of home remedies can help reduce heavy periods. When the bleeding is severe, doctors may also recommend medication or surgery. Learn more here.
PMDD and PMS have similar symptoms, but PMDD is more severe and presents with additional symptoms. Learn more about the differences here.
An absence of menstruation, also called amenorrhea, means either that a person has not started having periods by the age of 16 or that someone who has…
Period tracking apps can help a person identify when their next period is due and become more body aware. Here are the best 10 apps.
