Every woman is well aware of the wrath of the menstrual cycle that she faces on a monthly basis.
Dealing with the discomfort of bleeding in itself is a daunting task, let alone the cramps that occur in the lower abdomen during those 5 days.
These menstrual cramps could range from dull and annoying to severe and extreme. It could lower the activity level of a woman to a great extent.
Also Read: 18 Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps And Pain
In fact just the thought of period cramps can scare the living daylights out of any woman. The throbbing pain in the lower abdomen makes those 5 days harder than they have to be.
There are several medicines that are known to relieve you of that pain; however, they all have side effects associated with them. Imagine having to deal with some more unwanted side effects during the already disturbing 5 days of a woman’s life!
Also Read: Yoga Poses To Relieve Menstrual Cramps
So, why take those painkillers that could potentially harm your body? Why not try natural remedies instead, which are easy to prepare, simple and are highly effective in treating the pain?
Here is the list of DIY remedies to treat period cramps that you must have a look at:
For thousands of years, people have had raspberry leaf tea to cure different kinds of illnessess. Most women consider it their go-to tea during periods. Not just cramps, it is known to cure other issues like irregular periods, bloating, etc. For preparing the tea, you need to add freshly chopped raspberry leaves to a cup of boiling water. After adding the leaves, just keep the cup covered for some time. After a minute, remove the cover and strain the tea in a different cup, so that the you don’t get the leaves while drinking. Drink it twice in a day for effective results.
Coriander seeds have an ample amount of health-promoting properties that you can gain from. To get relief from period cramps, mix one teaspoon of coriander seeds in a cup of boiling water. Keep stirring for some time. Then strain the mixture and add one tablespoon of honey to it. Drink this mixture two times in a day to get rid of the gripping period cramps.
This is a tried and tested natural remedy that can effectively relieve you of the throbbing pain you get during periods. To make this tea, first you need to peel off the skin of the ginger root, then slice it into small pieces. Add 2 tablespoons of ginger to the boiling water. Simmer down the flame and let it stay on the stove top for an hour or so. After an hour, strain the ginger root from the water. Drink it once in a day to curb period cramps. While ginger is a great natural remedy, it has a few side effects too. It is advised to check your dosage of ginger if you have other health issues.
Aloe vera is one medicinal plant that needs no introduction. It is easy to prepare and tastes good. Just add 1 teaspoon of honey to aloe vera juice and drink it daily. This is a remedy that will make period cramps a thing of the past.
This is another go-to tea that most women swear by for curing period cramps. Cinnamon is popular for its soothing and healing effects. This soothing tea is easy to make, just break a cinnamon stick and add it to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 5 minutes. Then remove the pieces of the stick from it and add milk or raw honey. That is all it takes to prepare the soothing tea that will make those 5 days endurable.
Parsley is a herb known worldwide for its unique health-promoting properties. It can effectively alleviate dreadful period cramps. For making this juice, you need 3 more items other than parsley that is beet, carrot and cucumber. Blend them all and drink at least 70 millilitres for relief from the cramps.
Basil is often considered as a natural painkiller sans the side effects. For making the tea, just add a few crushed basil leaves to a cup of boiling water. Cover the cup and let it cool for a few minutes. You can drink this tea once in a day for better results.
Try these natural remedies to curb period cramps in the most effective way possible. They are simple and sans the harmful side effects. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and have iron-rich food for a smoother menstrual cycle.