10 ways to relieve menstrual cramps – Pulse Nigeria

Menstrual cramps can be very painful.
It is a throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, and it can last for days. Some females have their menstrual cramps before their menstrual period, while others have them when they’re on their menstrual period. Menstrual pain is not only painful, it’s also discomforting.
The symptoms of menstrual cramps include:
Here are some of the things you can do to relieve menstrual cramps:
Take more water
Taking more water will help you stay hydrated, and it will also relieve the pain. Taking more water will help ease bloating. You can start by making it a routine to drink six glasses of water per day.
Take painkillers
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen and aspirin, are recommended pain relievers for menstrual pain. These drugs help suppress the pain and also reduce your body’s production of prostaglandin.
Apply heat to your abdomen
You can use a hot water bottle, heating pad, or warm towel to apply heat to your abdomen. This will help relieve the pain and also boost the blood circulation in your abdomen. Taking a hot bath is also effective.
Use supplements
Supplements are also effective for menstrual cramps. Calcium and magnesium are effective supplements.
Exercise your body
Aerobic exercises like walking or jogging can help reduce menstrual cramps and bloating. It gives you more strength and energy.
Take herbal tea
Herbal tea helps to lessen the pain and it also helps to calm the body. Examples of this herbal tea include ginger tea.
Try yoga
A regular yoga practice can help reduce cramps while also improving your mood.
Reduce your intake of sugar
According to an obstetrics gynecologist, sugar is inflammatory in nature and it increases the blood supply to your uterus. Taking too much sugar can lead to abnormal pain.
Avoid salty foods
Salty foods can cause bloating and discomfort, so you should avoid them. You can opt for foods like avocados or berries.
Use essential oils to massage your abdomen
Oils like lavender oil and cinnamon oil are very effective in reducing period pain. You can also mix it with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply it to your abdomen.
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