Health is the name of the game. Anything else is just a distraction. Remember …

Health is the name of the game.  Anything else is just a distraction.  Remember …

[ad_1] Health is the name of the game. Anything else is just a distraction. Remember that only 100 years ago most families farmed their own food and the foods that exist today did not exists back then. We want to eat to live. Follow us @vicenteasherbs for more ancient wisdom. #sodas #artificialflavors #healthytips #healthmatters #holistichealth … Read more

Flu season? Don’t believe the hype. Fu season is just an idea that has been pr…

Flu season?  Don’t believe the hype.  Fu season is just an idea that has been pr…

[ad_1] Flu season? Don’t believe the hype. Fu season is just an idea that has been programmed to us the pharmaceutical companies that want us to buy their flu medicine. But, did you know that elderberry is awesome if you ever do get the flu? It helps you get rid of mucus fast. So many … Read more

Is your system alkaline or is it acidic? Did you know that everything you eat w…

Is your system alkaline or is it acidic?  Did you know that everything you eat w…

[ad_1] Is your system alkaline or is it acidic? Did you know that everything you eat will either contribute to your system being at an alkaline state or in a state of acidosis? The more alkaline foods you consume the better. If you didn’t know this then you’re gonna want to be more conscious about … Read more

Swipe As was posted yesterday our body must be at an alkaline level and there a…

As was posted yesterday our body must be at an alkaline level and there a…

[ad_1] Swipe ➡️ As was posted yesterday our body must be at an alkaline level and there are some fruits that can help with that. Please note that your recovery from any disease highly depends on your mindset. Your will to beat cancer is of utmost importance. Many people have beat cancer and so can … Read more

Once you understand that this is their position and that your health is not in t…

Once you understand that this is their position and that your health is not in t…

[ad_1] Once you understand that this is their position and that your health is not in their best interest, then you can wake up and take charge of your own health. Take 100% responsibility to take care of YOU. Learn preventive medicine. Learn about herbs and holistic approach. Learn about the foods that we eat. … Read more

This post is sure to be controversial because as a society we are addicted to th…

This post is sure to be controversial because as a society we are addicted to th…

[ad_1] This post is sure to be controversial because as a society we are addicted to this substance. The fact remains that the studies show that coffee is not good for our system. Remember I mentioned in a previous post about Acidic vs. Alkaline? Well, coffee is very acidic. I would encourage you to adopt … Read more

Short and simple today. Tag a friend who needs to know this information. Follo…

Short and simple today.  Tag a friend who needs to know this information.

[ad_1] Short and simple today. Tag a friend who needs to know this information. Follow⤵️ @vicenteasherbs for more ancient wisdom. #fennel #fruits #herbs #tea #herbalknowlege #ancientwisdom #truth #health #healthy #healthyliving #doctor #vegetarian #vegan #herbalmedicine #fasting #intermittentfasting #fit #fitness #holistic #healing #plantbasediet #disease #organic #veganlifestyle #diabetes #cancer #heartdisease #veganlife #medicinalherbs #losangeles [ad_2] Source

Not all plants and herbs are good. These herbs and plants are actually hybrids….

Not all plants and herbs are good.  These herbs and plants are actually hybrids….

[ad_1] Not all plants and herbs are good. These herbs and plants are actually hybrids. They are man made and that is what makes them acidic. As I’ve mentioned before only plants and herbs that were made by our creator are alkaline. Follow⤵️ @vicenteasherbs for more ancient wisdom. #acidic #fruits #herbs #tea #herbalknowlege #ancientwisdom #truth … Read more

Mineral deficiency is a real problem. Our body wants nutrients/minerals and wha…

Mineral deficiency is a real problem.  Our body wants nutrients/minerals and wha…

[ad_1] Mineral deficiency is a real problem. Our body wants nutrients/minerals and what we eat simply doesn’t have it. So we crave more food. The soil has been depleted of it’s minerals. An apple today has ten times less the minerals it used to have over 50 yrs ago. So now what we have to … Read more

It was in a book that I read the whole process of how they make processed juices…

It was in a book that I read the whole process of how they make processed juices…

[ad_1] It was in a book that I read the whole process of how they make processed juices and I made the decision right there and then never to buy them or drink them again. Since then I make my own juices. Invest in a juice extractor because it is worth it. Imagine all the … Read more